Alessio Magnaini, Mayor of Montespertoli (photo
The “Library Space” at Circolo Arci di Montagnana val di Pesa – Montespertoli was inaugurated as part of the 42nd “Spiga d’Argento” painting competition, which took place from 1 to 8 January.
The ribbon-cutting took place on the occasion of the award ceremony in the presence of the mayor of Montespertoli Alessio Magnaini and the director of the Uffizi Ike Schmidt, recipients of the special prize “Spega d’Argento” from the organizers of the competition.
The “library space” was required and sponsored by the volunteers of the Circolo Arci di Montagnana val di Pesa who, with passion and commitment, created this corner within the pub to offer additional service to their members who, stopping by for a coffee or an aperitif, could read a book or paper through a magazine, in addition to The ability to borrow it. There are about 1,200 books that were either donated by the club members themselves or brought by residents of Montagnana and the surrounding areas who, knowing the initiative, wanted to contribute. Just as the Arci Empolese Valdelsa Committee also contributed by supporting the purchase of the bookcase and shelves thanks to the “Circulate” project.
The Circle has done an important job of cataloging these books: from contemporary fiction to cooking, from gardening to history, religion, regions of Italy, Florence and European capitals through to military history.
There is no shortage of biographies, yellow stories and above all a section dedicated to local authors such as Bert Dragon, Leonardo Masetti, Sonia Brown, Carlo Mugelli, Sara Penny and Giancarlo Signorini who donated their books to the library and to whom many thanks go.
During the year other initiatives will be organized within the “Spazio Biblioteca” such as reading evenings or meetings with authors.
The club and library space, where books can be borrowed or consulted, are open in the afternoon from 16.00 to 23.00 from Tuesday to Sunday.
For more information, you can call 0571671108 or by e-mail at:
Source: Arci Empolese Valdelsa Press Office
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