Monday, March 17, 2025

The journey of the Magi between faith and science, today more relevant than ever. Interview with Don Arturo Grasso

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Photo by Marie Cortez

The Epiphany is commonly believed to be the “Epiphany”. The first images that come to mind as consolation for the end of the holiday season are a big crooked nose, a bamboo broom, a wizard’s hat, and a sock stuffed with the goodies (charcoal, by the way, never).

The famous old woman with pagan roots is an enigmatic figure, somehow connected with the imaginary path of the Magi, characters that are equally fascinating but little analyzed in cultural contexts not connected to the church.

Who are the three kings? Don Arturo GrassoThe journalist, director of communications for the diocese of Acireale and vicar of the parish in the Basilica of Assi San Filippo summoned yesterday, during a homily in Santa Venera al Pozo The “scientific” nature of Gaspari, Melchiori and Baldassar is located in the Aci Catena. All three had royal functions and were known astronomers, as is inferred from the historical evidence currently available. What becomes interesting in this respect is how their study of celestial events was, in the case of the journey towards little Jesus, closely connected with faith.

Together with Don Arturo, in constant contact with the community of believers but also with scholars, journalists and advocates of the world of culture, we are faced with questions about the links between science and faith, which are more discussed today than ever before.

Interview by Marie Cortez

When did the debate begin about the connection between faith and science in history?

Faith and reason cannot be excluded, the search for truth is inherent in the human being who always asks himself whether faith and reason areheNo entities are independent of each other the If one rejects the other. It was scholastic philosophy that attempted to “disassemble” this problematic and fundamental complex. S logo..Agostino, who I make mine Everyday life is being I believe in order to understandAnd I understand to believe (I think I understand, I understand that I believe). The doctor and the shepherd associate faith with reason, because the Christian life takes into account all aspects of human life to live an embodied spirituality. The question of faith and reason, widely discussed at the First Vatican Council, was developed by Pope Saint John Paul II, in the periodical Faith and reasonWho follows the meditation that started in the post The splendor of the truth. Reason and faith – writes the Holy Father – cannot be separated without the possibility of man knowing himself, the world and God in a proper way.

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How do the Magi represent the connection point between the creed, which leads them to make their journey toward Jesus, and the thinking that apparently refuses that a child is born of a virgin?

Magi follow the star and their journey is driven by a desire to seek and know, from the Latin sàpere “to obtain flavour.” So, figuratively speaking, “be wise.” Motivated by the wisdom of knowing this child, wrapped in mystery. The incarnate Son of God showed the true face of the Father, who chose the Virgin Mary as his bride. God’s work is reasonable and not rational, for it is not possible for us to experience it but it can be conceivable and reasoned. God in secret hides himself, not completely, to be desirable. On the other hand, this is love, it never ceases to be desired by those around you.

Have you noticed openings on the part of science and the world of culture regarding this debate or vice versa?

Paul VI defined the rift between faith and culture as “the drama of our time.” Today, dialogue and comparison with the one who makes the absolute mind is important. They risk ridicule and fall into nihilism. Our Bishop Mgr. Antonio RaspanteSince 2016, the Vice President of the Scientific Council on the Extinction of Nations has taught us that modern society needs and needs to discuss the major challenges affecting modern society, including faith and science. Cortile dei Gentili is an open space where it is possible to work on overcoming the discord between these two seemingly irreconcilable worlds.

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In today’s society that is less and less inclined to explore complex issues and, at the same time, increasingly distrustful of possibilities beyond human capacity, what role does this discussion play?

It seems that today’s society is imbued with apathy in which man tends to look only at himself. BowmanWho developed the concept of modernity or liquid company He stated that strong individuality appears in society. Going further, I think of a foggy society, unable to focus and debate on topics that open up human sensibility. Doubt makes a person grow and questions of meaning seek answers. However, there comes a moment in life when these questions arise in each of us. Thus man returns from the ‘mysterious’ state to the ‘solid’ state where the questions that arise upon him become daily bread used for growth in faith and culture.

What is the correct approach to address the issue, starting from the base, without bias?

Man cannot be freed from prejudice, because he lives in time and space, in culture and in a world. I will talk about it today Inculturation of faith, a topic that I dealt with in my BA thesis at the Pontifical Theological Seminary in Palermo. Pope Francis teaches us that the freedom that Christ gave does not conflict with cultures and traditions. The solution is notChurch planting That is, the planting of the Church and its unembodied “faith”. We are called to live as incarnate men, grafted into our culture that is not worldly, and to be open to faith and obedience to the Spirit. He who follows Christ, the perfect man, becomes himself more than a man.

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Wynne Dinwiddie
Wynne Dinwiddie
"Infuriatingly humble alcohol fanatic. Unapologetic beer practitioner. Analyst."
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