Tuesday is filled with emotional goals in the International Law Quarter Finals. Two teams, the Hockey Pergine Sabines and the Hockey Unterland Cavaliers, repeat Saturday’s success and fly 2-0, while Dobbiaco and Como managed to sway the scores with two home wins. Already on Thursday, we’re back on track for the third chapter of the super tough fights and series which is also expected to be a long one as the series is the best of the seven.
The Pergine Sapiens hockey game also recurs at home against Civette
The challenge between Pergine and Alleghe immediately begins at a high pace. At 6.28 Lynx passes forward with Sanvedo who defeated Scola in the counter trip to 1 to 0 of his team, then at 14.54 Di Toni believed in the power of play until the score. The race continues on the fighting tracks, with many penalties and guns being lost for a long lead (5 minutes in PEVA). At 32.44, the Agordina’s counterflight still deserves Dell’Osbel’s advantage, but the 35.45 in pp Bitetto missile balances it all. Still in power and Sanvido again: that’s how Trentino gets 3-2 in the third inning opener, then at 49.26 he signs a scraper from Conci on the extension. Soon, Piva takes a penalty but the score does not change, almost to the end. Without Scola and the extra man on the move, Alleg slipped back to under 59.40 with Gans, but one second of Sanvido’s whistle-free goal is worth 5-3.
Dobbiaco draws quarter-final series after success in second race
Having already appeared in Race -1 to be able to play, Dobbiaco confirmed the feeling in his first home game of the series. A well-balanced battle in the entire first half of the match, the goalkeeper is able to put in a perfect performance, so at 32.57 it’s Captain Rizzo who signs Icebears’ advantage to excel. The response of the bayonets bears the signature of De Donà, who after five minutes affected the tie. Pusterese’s strong game remains decisive, thanks to Schweizer’s point that put Dobbiaco ahead in the match at 49.35. Burzaca and the home defense fought back to the end, within 17 seconds of the siren, Rennes carried the empty Caldaro cage to the final 3-1.
Cuomo is released in an attack and overwhelms Valdfaimi rewards series of quarters
In Casate Como’s home debut in the series with Fiemme. Larians immediately showed they were on the ball and went into their first power game with Asinelli who scored Petty at 7.56. Lombard’s double is by Privitera who signed on 13.09 by signing 2-0 with which we go into the first half, then in the opening central time Maljul earns a triple for his team. Fiemme is undisciplined and commits many penalties, Como is not punished in power play but still finds Ghiglione poker at 33.07. Costner calls the timeout but the course of the race doesn’t change. In the third game at 42.20, Vinitzer made 4-1, but after 81 seconds, Di Nicola regained the distance, then at 46.14 Markate closed the accounts permanently with the sixth goal. Chelodi shorts for Trentino but in the final it is Guaita (in pp) and then Di Nicola again to sign goals 7 and 8 for Como, who subdued in the last minute the 8 to 3 from Moucka.
Hockey Unterland Cavalers go far against Varese and extend into the quarter-finals after a comeback in the third game
As in Racing-1 Varese and Unterland, you fight on nearly every disc throughout the match. Mastini’s advantage was struck by Mazzacane with an unfortunate deviation in his own net from Goldner’s sled after 22 seconds, but at 5.03 Brighenti hits with a front-kick. Balanced game and Tommaso Salvai, on loan from the Bulldogs farm team, leads Varese forward by scoring 1vs0 at 18.15. Halfway through the period, the Cavaliers pressed hard and at 33.50 they found an equaliser with Pfizer, but a minute later, the rebound of Berosso put the Lombards back in front. The match was decided in 11 seconds, between 47.42 and 47.53: Gerardi first discovered the winning deflection with a pass from Kaufmann, then fired a shot after Muraro’s save and ends on the goalkeeper’s back and then the net. In the final, with striker Mastini, Ruben Zerbeto signed the counter-escape from 3 to 5 final at 58.24.
Italian Hockey League – Qualifiers – Quarter-finals – Match 2 – 1 March 2022
HC Varese 1977 – Hockey Unterland Cavaliers 3-5 (2-1, 1-1, 0-3)
Targets: 0:26 a.m. Mazakani (1:0), 5:03 t. Brigente Moretti (Galassiti, F. Wieser) (1:1), 18:15 T. Salvai (B. Borghi) (2:1), 33:50 F. Wieser (F. Kokoska, G. Galassiti) (2:2 ), 34:50 A. Piroso (A. Capannelli) (3:2), 47:42 D. Girardi (M. Kaufman, M. Santer) (3:3), 47:53 d. Girardi (T. Brigente Moretti, L. Goldner) (3:4), 58:24 r. Zerbeto (ED Nardin) (3:5)
Varese coaching: Carlo Moraro 58:29 (Leonardo Mordente); Francesco DiBiasio – Shane McGrath; Eric Steve Mazagan – Daniel Nicholas Belloni; Eduardo Papalillo – Tommaso Solaro; Marcello Borghi – Alessio Piroso – Adam Capanelli; Tommaso Salvai – Andrea Vannetti – Pietro Borghi; Gianluca Telaro – Michael Mazacani – Federico Corden; Andrea Fornasetti – Anthony Mamoletti; Coach Matthew Malfati
Unterland formation: Tizian Giovannilli 60:00 (Moritz Steiner); Lucas Goldener – Tobias Brigente Moretti; Alex Obexer – Manuel Santer; Erwin de Nardin – Alexander Peter Solomon Pilser; Marianne Palabazer – Manuel Pichler; Gabriel Galacetti – Florian Weser – Philip Kokoska; Martin Graf – Alex Egger – Moritz Silva; Vojtech Dobias – Moritz Kaufmann – David Girardi; Ruben Zerbeto – Gabriel Zerbeto – Tobia Pesetta; Coach: Ole Erici Holfors;
Penalties: 4-4 (0-0, 2-2, 2-2); Throws: 28-41 (11-14, 7-14, 10-13); Referees: c. Bassani, and . Vulcan (M. Christelli, M. de Zordo); Spectators: 188
Hockey League Underland Cavaliers lead 2:0 in the Quarter-Final Series
Como Hockey – Valdivemi HC 8-3 (2-0, 2-0, 4-3)
Goals: 7:56 Asinelli (R Ambrosoli, Marquete) (1:0, PP1), 13:09 R. Preftera (El Formentini, F. Guaita) (2:0), 24:02 H. Majul Villasenor (N. Dinicola, D. Xamin) (3:0), 33:07 D. Ghiglione (L. Marcati, F. Taufer) (4:0), 42:20 G. Vinatzer (D. Eastman, Odorizzi) ) (4:1), 43:41 N. Dinicola (D.Xamin, H. Majul Villasenor) (5:1), 46:14 L. Marcati (S. Asinelli, A. Re) (6:1), 48:05 E. Chelodi (G.Venatzer, A. Odorizzi) (6:2), 56:47 F. Guaita (L. Formentini, H. Majul Villasenor) (7:2, PP1), 58:41 N. Dinicola (D. Xamin, H. Majul Villasenor) (8:2), 59:11 J. Moucka (R. Locatin, L. Vicenzi) (8:3)
Como lineup: Federico Tesini 60:00 (Daniel Mattia D’agate); Michael Stephen Cesser – Ricardo Kodibo; Dominic Michael Daggett – Alessandro Paramedani; Lorenzo Piccinelli – Alessandro Rey; Francesco Toffer – Luca Formentini; Simone Asinelli – Riccardo Ambrosoli – Riccardo Previtera; Dylan Giglion – Filippo Guaita – Nicholas Robert Dinicola; David Examine – Lorenzo Marcati – Hector Tovec Magul Villasenor; Coach: Danilo Bertuto;
Valdifiemme coaching: Simone Peiti 60:00 (Laurin Foppa); Derek Thomas Eastman – Gabriel Misconnell; Luca Franza – Nicola Gezzo; Daniel Cataldi – David Rubik; Riccardo Giorgione – Cristiano Weber; Gabriel Vinitzer – Loris Vanzeta – Gabriel Vider; Jaroslav Moka – Enrico Chilodi – Rudy Locatin; Andrea DiFrancesco – Alex Gamber – Paolo Nicolau; Andrea Odorese – Matteo Di Baldo – Loris Vicenzi; Coach: Erwin Costner.
Penalty: 8-22 (2-2, 2-10, 4-10); Throws: 41-36 (12-17, 20-9, 9-10); Referees: S. Lega, L. Zatta (F. Cusin, C. Biacoli); Spectators: 83
The series between Valdifiemme and Como is restricted (1:1)
AHC Toblach Dobbiaco Icebears – SV Kaltern Caldaro rothoblaas 3-1 (0-0, 1-1, 2-0)
Targets: 32:57 B. Rizzo (P. Felder, R. Egerter) (1:0, PP1), 37:26 L. de Donna (M. Mazanec, M. Felderer) (1: 1), 49: 35 F. Schweitzer (L. Di Lorenzo Mio, El Kripaz) (2:1, PP1), 59:43 n. Raine (F. Schweitzer, de Illescasis) (3:1/EN)
Dobbiaco training: Luca Burzacca 60:00 (Manuel Oberkanins); Nicholas Cole Rayn – Danny Eliscassis; Lucas Blankensteiner – Stefan Wager; Matthias Profönser – Peter Weser; Marcel Lanzinger, Lucas di Lorenzo Mio – Victor Emmanuel Schweizer – Alex Obermere; Fabio Alvira – Klaus Folger – Thomas Pichler; Matthias Mazzarini – Pino Obermere – Lucas Kripaz; Rafael Egarter – Patrick Rizzo – Alex Di Lorenzo Mio; Coach: Guido Carl Lamberte Charles;
Caltern Squad: Alex Andergassen 59:08 (Daniel Morandel); Simon Wenitzer – Michel Vulcan; Martin Mazanek – Lorenzo Silvo; Lorenz Gruber – Jonas Schweepfer; Luca Di Donna – Timo Saccari Fertala – Michael Felderer; Patrick Gius – Bastian Andergasin – Matteo Cappuccio; Louis Fink – Franz Erschbammer – Raphael Felderer; Adrian Klein – Andreas Wenitzer – Benjamin Anderlan; Coach: Jonathan Troy Barnes.
Penalty: 2-8 (2-2, 0-4, 0-2); Throws: 31-25 (12-8, 12-8, 7-9); Referees: M. Bagozza, F. Tirelli (M. Da Pian, F. De Toni); Spectators: 312
The series between Caldaro and Dobbiaco is linked
Hockey Pergine Sapiens – Allie Hockey 5-3 (1-1, 1-1, 3-1)
Goals: 6:28 J. Sanvido (Gabri) (1:0), 14:54 A. De Tony (L.D. Val) (1:1, PP1), 32:44 R. .Damin, C. Lorenzi) (1:2), 35:45 E.Bitetto (C. Sanvido) (2:2, PP1), 41:33 C. Sanvido (R. Gabri, D. Conci) (3: 2, PP1), 49:26 D. Conci (R. Gabri) (4:2), 59:40 M. Ganz (D. Testori) (4:3/EA), 59:59 C. Sanvido (D. Consci, F. Rigoni) (5:3/EN)
Pergola composition: Rudi Rigoni 60:00 (Matteo Giovannini); Andrea Chisola – Radovan Gabri; Alessandro Ambrosi – Fabio Rigoni; Giovanni Revo; David Consci – Connor Roy Sanvido – Joseph Fultin; Andrea Menegini – Dino Andreotti – Mattia Muslin; Stefano Piva – Francesco Vallores – Enrico Petito; Giuseppe Villiotti – Niccol Vicentini; Coach: Andrea Ambrosi.
Alleg’s lineup: Gianni Scola 58:02 (Tomaso Zanardi); Milos Ganz – Andrea Damien; David Testori – Carlo Sesto Lorenzi; Lorenzo Riva – Marco Lorenzini; Francesco Sobelsa – Mica Marcos Kiviranta – Edgar de Tony; Mirco Giulai – Loris de Val – Joshua Johannes Martin Berger; Ricardo del Ospel – Erwin Martini – Marwin Martini; Tomas de Silvestro; Coach: Alessandro Fontana;
Punishment: 42-18 (8-6, 7-8, 27-4); Throws: 30-16 (13-4, 11-5, 6-7); Referees: P. Gruber, A. Piras (A. Bedana, A. Wiest)
Spectators: 320
Hockey Pergine Sapiens leads the quarter-final round series with 2:0
The third match of the quarter-finals is scheduled for Thursday, March 3rd in Igna, Cavalis, Caldaro and Alleghe.
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