Home entertainment The film was entrusted to Lionsgate and author John Wick – Multiplayer.it

The film was entrusted to Lionsgate and author John Wick – Multiplayer.it

The film was entrusted to Lionsgate and author John Wick – Multiplayer.it

It just looks like that Streets of Ragethe historical series of scrolling fighting games from Sega, is destined to become Moviewith the production entrusted to him Lionsgate And the scenario he set himself Author of John Wick.

The Streets of Rage movie was already announced last April but very precise information has not yet followed about the project in question, which is now taking shape in a more realistic way.

Streets of Rage, original cover
Streets of Rage, original cover

It also seems to be a project with a certain weight, given the names involved: the production entrusted to Lionsgate proposes a film of certain importance, but particularly remarkable is the fact that the script is a work of Derek Kolstadwhich is one of the central elements behind the John Wick series.

So we await more information in this regard, as we still have no idea how this project will be structured. Streets of Rage has recently returned to the scene with the excellent Streets of Rage 4 by DotEmu, which manages to offer very good gameplay in relation to a genre that is now largely outdated, although still far from the atmosphere of the original trilogy.

The Streets of Rage series dates back to 1991 on the Sega Mega Drive, and at the time, it was a true condensation of those years, as the beat’em up action genre was experiencing its moment of ultimate awesomeness. Between the nocturnal urban panoramas and the violence, the atmosphere of the original trilogy is still elusive and hopefully resumed in the best way in this film.


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