Home science The Festival of Science and Philosophy “Experimenta” returns.

The Festival of Science and Philosophy “Experimenta” returns.

The Festival of Science and Philosophy “Experimenta” returns.
The Festival of Science and Philosophy “Experimenta” returns with activities designed for all ages

The Festival of Science and Philosophy “Experimenta” returns with activities designed for all ages

“Science does not test, it explores.” It's a quote from anthropologist and sociologist Gregory Bateson that accompanies, in the 2024 edition, a section “an experience” from XIII “Festival of Science and Philosophy – Virtue and Canosenza”any Cultural container for laboratory activities Which joins the conferences every year, to give the audience moments in which they can experience science first-hand. Curated by Professor Corrado Morisi, “Experimenta” will consist of 15 laboratoriesdesigned and hosted by all ages Friday 12 to Sunday 14 April at Palazzo Brunetti Candiotti in Foligno. fourInstead of that, expertise that the audience will experience In the city of Fabriano Marche.

“This year – explains Professor Corrado Morisi – we will present 15 innovative laboratories In various scientific and technological fields. Disciplines such as biology, physics, geology, mathematics and astronomy will be showcased through it Experiential activities in which all participants will participate. In particular, some activities designed for young and very young children will be able to promote and develop manipulative skills and creativity. Children and adults will be able to feel smaller and be drawn to the live observation, for example, of the sun or the “vernal constellations in the sky above Foligno” under the vault of the planetarium. As for the technological sector, it will be possible to interact with robots, 3D printers or enter a flight simulator.

Go into detail about Foligno datesThere are three Macro areas In which the laboratories will be located, starting with the laboratory designated for them Teaching mathematics With two appointments: “The Importance of Materials in Mathematics Teaching by Emma Castelnuovo” Edited by Carla Degli Esposti and Paola Jori (April 12); And “Travel” A proposal from Belfiore High School that will provide participants with a journey into the world of geometric shapes and numbers (April 12). Another macro area is the biology With five different experiences: “They're all the same, they're all different” To explore the genome with Cinzia Grazioli from Cosmibio (April 12-13); “From the cell to the crime scene” Observing different types of cells under a microscope in collaboration with students of the ITT “Da Vinci” Institute in Foligno (April 12); “Our sea is the communist flag” On the scientific structures and proposals presented by the countries of the Mediterranean Basin with the students of the city’s five high schools (April 12-13-14); “Mediterranean sea”And, dedicated to vines, wines, oil and Mediterranean scrub by the classical high school “Frezzi-Beata Angela” (April 12-13-14); And “Factory of life” With a focus on soils under climate change, promoted by the Marconi Science High School (April 13-14). The third and final macrozone is the oriented zone Technologies with “Great electronics” Edited by Federico Alimenti of the University of Perugia (April 12-13-14); the “Robotics Laboratory” Proposed by Ibia “Orphini” (April 12-13); the “Air Navigation Laboratory” Orchestrated by Etta “Scarbellini” (April 12); “#wemakeit” On 3D printing by 3dbit (April 12). Still within the scope of “Experimenta”, then, Sect “Outside and inside the Earth.” Which will provide two experiences: “Etched Memories: Mediterranean History Through the Rocks” Edited by Simonetta Cirelli, Andrea Sorci and Chiara Girolami of the University of Perugia (April 12-13-14); And “The sun, the vernal constellations in the sky above Foligno” Hosted by Arnaldo Durante (April 13-14). in the end, “Science that creates” with “Cats know that” Animal Behavior and Cognition with Julia Benami (April 12-13-14); And “Glimpses of light for imaginary scenarios” Organized by teachers of nursery schools of the municipality of Foligno (April 14).

Consider, instead, thePresentation by FabrianoFour events on the calendar, as mentioned, with the Municipal Library as a backdrop. Three initiatives will be promoted by the University of Camerino: “Scientists' Game” To explore the lives and discoveries of some of the women who have contributed to scientific progress (April 12); “Biodiversity and Animal Welfare” (April 13); And “Frasassi Caves: Witnesses to the Sublime” Edited by Fabrizio Bendia (April 13). But the fourth and final initiative is “A day as a researcher” Organized by the Polytechnic University of Marche with contributions from Assunta Biscotti, Marco Barocca, Adriana Canappa, Federica Carducci, Elisa Carotti, Edith Titarelli and Chiara Spinsanti (13 April).

Besides “Experimenta”, there will be a whole series of Events This is in cooperation with various local associations and bodies. Also in this case there is a subdivision into Macro areas. Let's start with that musicWith three appointments: “Mediterranean Dialogue” With pianist Giovanni Guidi, who will perform on April 12 at Fabriano (9 p.m. in the Oratorio della Caretta) and on April 13 at Foligno (8 p.m. in the Hall of San Domenico); “singing” and with Federico Gigli at an event promoted in collaboration with Friends of Music on April 12 (8 p.m. in the San Domenico Hall); And “Travel” With the performance of the students of the Foligno 5 Comprehensive Institute (April 12). Another macro area “Getting to know each other and getting to know each other.”which includes: the project “Festival of Ambassadors of Science and Philosophy”edited by Maria Stefania Foso and Atilia Condello (April 12); “Mediterranean Diet” On Nutritional Health by Cristina Minichelli in collaboration with Accessible Learning Garden (April 12); the Guided tours in Rasiglia Organized by Rasiglia and its Springs Association (April 11-14); And “The Lauretana Way: A Spiritual Journey Between Nature and History” With a meeting promoted by Fie – Valle Umbra Trekking (13 April). Two events for the total area “The ground beneath us”: “Frasassi Caves: Witnesses to the Sublime” (April 12); And theOpening of the Alvani seismograph (April 13). Final macro area “Men’s Stories”: “Men and Land, Lauretana's Way” With the memory of Omero Safina ten years after his death (April 14); “Mediterranean cultures in Foligno”Hosted by Antonio Ventura (April 12-13-14); And “Life support. Emergency ship.” (April 12-13-14). Finally, among the scheduled events: “The harp in the square” (April 12).


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