Saturday, March 15, 2025

The coolest Superluna game of 2022 is coming – LIVE LIVE – Space & Astronomy

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Today is the date with the most exciting Superluna of 2022: the alignment between the full moon and the minimum distance from Earth will actually make this astronomical event very suggestive. Perigee, the point of the lunar orbit closest to our planet, will be reached on the morning of Wednesday, July 13, at 11.09 Italian time, while the full moon phase will begin at 20.37, that is, after about nine hours.

In order to be able to admire and photograph our satellite, it will be necessary to wait until 21.20, the moment when it will rise above the horizon. This will be the third Superluna game of the year, but the first by volume. Several events will allow fans to follow Superluna even from home. The delegations of the Union of Italian Astronomers (UAI) will present the events intended for the public at their astronomical observatories distributed throughout the peninsula and at other distinguished astronomical observation sites.

The live web will also be presented by the Virtual Telescope Project, on their website starting at 21.00 Italian, and by the National Institute of Astrophysics (Inaf), which will be broadcast starting at 21.30 on EduINAF’s YouTube and Facebook channels. While the Moon has been confirmed as the undisputed protagonist of the July sky, other celestial bodies also accompany the show: the so-called “Summer Triangle”, for example, is made up of three particularly bright stars Vega, Altair, and Deneb, respectively. The constellations of Lira, of the eagle and the swan. Another very bright star, rivaling Vega in brightness, is Arturo, in the constellation Bootes.

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