Home science Teatro Grande “Numbers in Love” directed by Luca Scarlini opens “Not only science”

Teatro Grande “Numbers in Love” directed by Luca Scarlini opens “Not only science”

Teatro Grande “Numbers in Love” directed by Luca Scarlini opens “Not only science”
Large theatrical poster

Brescia. Monday February 18 in 10.30 am Luca Scarlini The picturesque conference will be held entitled “Numbers in love”: The art of science.
Luca Scarlini, Writer, playwright for theater and music, storyteller, performance artist and collaborator
Many museums such as Technical communication Launches the project calendar for the year 2024 “It's not just science”.
The project “It's not just science” Returns in 2024 thanks to the renewed partnership between Community Foundation Brescia And Founding of the Grand Theater in Brescia Who has conceived and promoted the project since 2023.
Thanks also for the support Alessandra Bono Foundation, Which has been committed to supporting research for years
Scientific in field of oncology And in training young people project “Unsingle 2024” pridect
Various activities dedicated to disseminating scientific knowledge, with the aim of introducing new generations to the in-depth study of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) subjects through innovative and accessible language.
In particular, Project 2024 provides the opportunity for children attending first and second level secondary school (two-year period) in Brescia and its province to participate free of charge in theatrical conferences, performances and workshops related to the scientific world.
From the nineteenth century Science and art have intersected In complex, detailed and contradictory ways. The exact sciences have often embraced mysticism, which is apparently incompatible with the intellectual structure of research, but with many shades, as Norbert Wiener's theoretical research on the origin of the computer is well remembered, with theology as a reference point. It is, therefore, a non-canonical history of art, which takes its title from a large and very obscure work by Giacomo Balla, to which researchers have not yet deciphered all the allusions, passing through Maurits Escher, Lucio Savaro, Paul Klee, and the visual world. The 1960s and modern results of the arts.§
Participation in the project “It's not just science” It is free and intended for children attending first and second level secondary school (two years) in Brescia and its province.
Schools wishing to participate To one or more scheduled activities they should send an email [email protected] Specify the school you belong to, the category of students you would like to accompany to the theater, and the phone numbers and emails of the teachers who will accompany the classes.


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