What does it mean to smash idols? We already saw with the #BLM protests last year that this is a way of saying that the power that has been set up, the people who have been making decisions and managing things for decades, has done it in the skin of marginal margins. Do not forget that statues thus fall so that history does not come back again and again. After the death of George Floyd it touched on monuments associated with slavery, but Why are the statues of Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth being pulled down this time in Winnipeg, Canada? Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau criticized the press conference, saying “sabotage and arson against Catholic churches across the country is unacceptable and unjustified.” Let’s try to understand what’s going on.
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Canada celebrates Canada Day on July 1, the national holiday of the Union of Canadian Provinces. However, many tribal groups have taken the pages this year – more clearly than usual – underlining how the Canadian government was born at the expense of their culture destroyed by abuses and genocide. Hundreds of anonymous graves have recently been discovered near three former residential schools for tribal children. In the country it led to a strong wave of pain and anger, resulting in demonstrations and protests. From the nineteenth century to the twentieth century, Native Canadian children were forced to leave their families and attend boarding schools run first by the Catholic Church and later by the government. At the base was an organization researched by the government for the cultural integration and eradication of Native culture, so psychological, physical and sexual violence took place in those colleges, which forever marked the history of the first nations, the indigenous peoples of Canada.
Here we come to the idols. Queen Victoria, who ruled England (and the British colony in Canada) from 1837 to 1901, is considered a symbol of British colonialism, and therefore the authority that allowed the Canadian government to carry out repression against the Native people. Protesters covered the statue with red paint and placards and banners reading “Once upon a time we were children” and “Take them home”.. “After these tragic discoveries, our thoughts are with Canada’s aboriginal community. “This is not the solution” and condemned the sabotage. For years indigenous peoples have been demanding justice and transparency from the Canadian government: “We see the results of the genocide that Canadians have committed on our lands,” commented Bobby Cameron, president of the Federation of First Nations. Should be remembered as the nation that first tried to destroy the nations. Now we have the evidence.
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