Price for the public: 28.00 euros
Online price: €26.60
Slow Food membership price: €22.40
The Slow Wine 2023 guide, now in its thirteenth edition, is a hugely important publication for industry enthusiasts, professionals and consumers. It can be considered unique not only for the completeness and richness of the information, but also because it is based on the principles of “good, clean, fair wine,” the philosophy of Slow Food’s “Good Wine Statement.”
Giancarlo Gariglio, editor of the guide, invites in the preface to reflect on the specificity of the 2023 edition. It is necessary to remember the tragic consequences of droughts or catastrophic climatic events that hit the sector in 2022. A world at a crossroads, he says, as it seems “I understood that winemakers, Those who faced such a great emergency, did not respond in any particular order. Those who practice intensive and large-scale viticulture had to look for technical shortcuts to quantitatively protect production.” And those shortcuts remain highly impactful and long-term It looks like they really do have short legs. It is also for this reason that 2022 is a year in which we must listen to “real winemakers who are accustomed to walking through their vineyards every day, having the opportunity to experience moment by moment the progression of drought” and the effects of very high temperatures, trying to account for the needs of plants day by day. day after day, and draw valuable lessons for the future.” They are the ones who have grasped the message that came from nature better and closer, so we must now devote ourselves to discussion, study, scientific research, and compare the positive and negative experiences of each of them. So this 2023 guide is the most important and important.
Thanks to the careful and competent work of more than 200 Slow Food collaborators distributed in all regions of Italy, it has become possible to map the entire region, discovering in advance news and trends in the wine sector of our country. 1,957 cellars visited and reviewed with an accurate and timely profile of the history of the company’s personnel, vineyards, vineyards, cultivation methods, winemaking, and certification. Furthermore, the QR code entered at the bottom of hundreds of cards, linked to videos on vault visits, gives us another tool to discover the uniqueness of our many producers.
24,500 wines were tasted, and this is the rating: 227 good, clean and fair wineries, awarded with Chiocciola Merit, Slow Food’s highest award; Awarded to 194 wineries by the bottle, their wines demonstrate excellent sensory quality; To 74 goes Moneta, which, of course, indicates the excellent relationship between quality and price. Then there are the “Best Wines,” awards given to individual wines, split between 386 “Viennese Slow” and 156 “Viennese Quotidiani” wines, which feature a maximum of €12 in the wine shop. Noteworthy this year is the large presence of wineries that practice organic or biodynamic farming.
retail price: 24.00 euros
Online price: 22.80 euros
Slow membership price: 19.20 euros
Together with Slow wine 2023 we refer to the Show food guide “osterie d’Italia 2023”, “A journey into the most authentic food and wine And generous to our country. Unique mapping of the Italian territory thanks to Ziyarat More than 240 collaborators. 1,730 places reviewedbetween inns, farmhouses and wine taverns serving cuisine … (continued Slow food page)
Eta Artal
“Infuriatingly humble alcohol fanatic. Unapologetic beer practitioner. Analyst.”