Home Economy Sky Italia presents its plan to “upskill, re-skill and insourcing”. Translation: 1200 at risk of recurrence

Sky Italia presents its plan to “upskill, re-skill and insourcing”. Translation: 1200 at risk of recurrence

Sky Italia presents its plan to “upskill, re-skill and insourcing”.  Translation: 1200 at risk of recurrence

To the 400 “displaced” based on the 2021 agreements, another 800 were added, including internal and external workers, out of a total of about 10,000 people. Unions sounded the alarm: the reorganization presented by Managing Director Andrea Duilio at the annual meeting with representatives of employee unions, managers and journalists “could become devastating”

There are fears that the Sky Italia television channel, which is controlled by the US Comcast Group, will be laid off. The new plan envisages a “voluntary exit or job change” for ben 1200 employeesMore than one in ten. To the 400 “displaced” based on the 2021 agreements, another 800 were added, including internal and external workers, out of a total of about 10,000 people. So the unions are sounding the alarm: the reorganization introduced by the general manager Andrea Duilio At the annual meeting with representatives of employee unions, managers and journalists “could become disabled” If reconverting tools are not used effectively. The company calls it a broad plan to “Upskilling, reskilling, and outsourcing A voluntary exit” and expansion to another 800 employees has become necessary, at the end of a particularly difficult year, given the impact on Sky’s activities in Deteriorating macroeconomic scenario.

How many new 800 workers They will change jobs It will depend on how many will have to leave the scene instead The success of the vocational retraining process, to be agreed with the unions, it is necessary to redefine the company’s operations and organizational structure, including internal customer care. The idea is Bringing activities such as technical support to IT systems within Sky Italia and post-production and production activities. The ultimate goal is to equip the company with the skills to be competitive in a market that is growing primarily in broadcasting.


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