Outside the Board of Counselors Antonella Caretti and Damiano Dallerba, inside Giulia Vizzoni (delegation to associations, volunteerism, sports and leisure, transport, mobility, cycling and youth policies) and Alessandro Benitaro (delegation to ecology, environment, green spaces, urban furniture and program implementation)
My secrets October 17, 2022. Two years later, council members Antonella Caretti and Damiano D’Alerba handed over the baton to the two young city councillors Giulia Vizzoni and Alessandro Pinataro, chosen by Mayor Paolo Micheli for this rotation. “The rotation that continues the path of renewal of city policies in 2020 began with the election of the youngest city council in Segratese history,” Town Hall tells us. “The past two years have been especially intense and complicated – hang up Mayor Paolo Micheli -. First, Covid and now the crisis provoked by the war in Ukraine disturbed our lives and goals, which we had to adjust several times in the course of work, always working in emergency situations. To overcome these difficulties, the advisors Caretti and Dalerba proved decisive: concerned with the needs of Segratesi and the lands. We supported each of them in the best possible way through their delegations, Antonella close to the business world and those who unfortunately found themselves out of work, Damiano who works in collaboration with schools and the reality of the city made an everyday activity in the midst of the pandemic and subsequent recovery, and was also able to look ahead and plan for a €125 million public works plan thanks to funds from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan. I proudly thank them because they both did serious and responsible work that the city surely appreciates, and will continue to help us beyond their institutional role.“.
Luca Sertori Doubts (FdI)
for Luca Sertori
It’s hard to believe that Damiano D’Alerba, leader of the Brothers of Italy group in the City Council, was put on the bench to give space to the youth given his age (46): “I’m his age and don’t feel ready for a “political” retirement. More realistically, it is believed that the mayor did not like the difficulties the commissioner had in managing the parks. Like all the citizens of Segrate, we hoped for a less rhetorical and more respectful communication for all. As for Commissioner Karite’s farewell, his inconsistent actions in the council, connected with the difficulties he had in commerce and school, contributed much. It is also certain that the great success of the Third Pole in the recent political elections has altered the balance in the executive branch. But what we suspect is that behind this facade there is indeed a great difficulty of leadership on the part of the mayor.”
Reorganization of agents
The new council provides for the reorganization of the council’s powers. to Giulia Vizzoni, 30 with a medical degree, Mayor Micheli entrusts delegations to associations, volunteer work, sports, leisure, transportation, commuting, cycling and youth policies; To Alessandro Pignataro, 32 years old with a degree in agricultural sciences and technology, in ecology, ecology, urban furniture, and program implementation. Vice Mayor Francesco de Chiu was also tasked with the public works mandate, while Chancellor Barbara Bianco was tasked with those related to economic development, trade, production activities, active labor policies and tenders. The mayor decided to take direct responsibility for energy and environmental transition, a topic especially dear to the mayor.
Mayor Paolo Micheli claims to have one of the smallest councils in Italy
“I thank directors Giulia Vizzoni and Alessandro Pinataro for their immediate presence Mayor Paolo Micheli concludes. I am sure that they will be able to meet this new task in the best possible way, and continue the excellent work already done in the Council Chamber. Over the next three years, we have many projects in the pipeline and their great desire to do them will help us complete them. The average age of the new council is 41 years, and it is among the youngest members of the council in Italy. So let’s continue down the path of renewing politics, giving confidence to young people. The response I have received in recent years from new generations of Segratesi has been extraordinary, we have a great desire to participate and engage in the first person for our children and grandchildren, you just need to know how to seize this opportunity and give them the space they deserve at the right moment. The future is theirs and it is natural for them to design my secrets for tomorrow, following the basic objectives of protecting the territory and the needs of all that we set for ourselves. good job!“.
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International Relations, Metropolitan City, Institutional Relations
Transparency, anti-corruption and legitimacy
Communicate and share
environmental transformation
Deputy Mayor Francesco de Chiu
Territory and design
PGT, private building, roads
public works
guesser Luca Stanca
Budget and taxes
State property and heritage
control investor
guesser Guido Pilatory
Social, elderly and housing policies
school and research
guesser Barbara White
Trade, economic development, productive activities, active labor policies, tenders
Equality of opportunity, family and unions
culture, events
guesser Livia Ashley
Local Police and Civil Protection
Demographic and cemetery services
Simplification, digitization and new technologies
guesser Julia Vizzoni
Sports, leisure and wellness
Associations and volunteer work
Transportation, commuting and cycling
youth policies
guesser Alessandro Pignataro
environment and environment
Green and urban furniture
animal protection
Program Execution