Monday, March 17, 2025

Sestriere decided the finalists in the men’s indoor hockey elite division

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In the Sestriere gym on January 15, HC Bra, HC Bondeno, SH Bonomi and Valchisone qualified for the Italian title finals on the final day of the men’s indoor hockey tournament.

Not only skiing but also “a mountain of sports in Sestriere”. So Sestriere hosted on Sunday January 15th, faithful to its motto, the Fifth Rally round of the National Championship A dthe hockey Inside.

Get to the playoffs

to me Sestriere Sport Center six difference sAccess to the fourth round of the first division of this discipline, scheduled for next January 28, is played at PalaBonomi in Castello d’Agogna (PV). The matches saw many athletes take to the field She is part From the Italian national hockey team Inside /the lawn.

Municipal satisfaction

first honor symbolic The game coup was awarded to the mayor of Sestriere, Gianni Poncet, who thanked all the athletes and clubs, as well as the Italian Hockey FederationAnd Because he brought back a bunch of the best national series back to Colle after that hosted event in 2019.

Mayor Gianni Poncet symbolically gave the first blow

Mayor: Glad he found his hockey friends again

«Sestrier – said Poncet – is always ready to welcome athletes of all disciplines For competition, as in the case of this beautiful day at the Palasport, and for specific training in preparation for important national and international events. We are really happy to find Indoor hockey friends who, I am sure, will return to their regions with a fond memory of this day at 2035 meters in Sestriere ».

READ  Hockey, Amatori returns to the rink with Matera without training yet

I’m all rooting for Valchisone

was the local cheer Everything is in order the‘Hockey Valchisone of Villar Perosa, champion of Italian indoor hockey, training consists only of boys from the valley Who won both matches and thus managed to reach the playoffs with both teams

  • SH Bonomi of Castello d’Agogna (PV)
  • HC Bra (CN)
  • HC Bondino (FE)

the CUS Padua and the CUS Pisa Instead, they will compete for the final, always on the same day, January 28.


Here are the results of the fifth group challenges indoor hockey held in Sestriere.

  • SH Bonomi – HP Valchison 2-4
  • HC Bra – HC Bondino 7-3
  • CUS Padova – SH Bonomi 4-7
  • CUS Pisa – HC Bra 1-6
  • HC Bondeno – CUS Padova 4-3
  • HP Valchisone – Pisa CUS 5-2
Thalia Twitty
Thalia Twitty
"Alcohol enthusiast. Twitter ninja. Tv lover. Falls down a lot. Hipster-friendly coffee geek."
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