An outside strike from Brazil, who defeated, at noon yesterday at the “Dalbertas” circuit, Gouzano 0-1 at home in the last third place of the regular season. The penalty kick was taken calmly and expertly by Luca Marchionne. Coach Roberto Flores’s youth rose to 68 points (always level with Vado, in third place).
In the fifth minute, Libra’s first strike: Gerbino’s cross, Minabu’s header, Fagg saved. Towards 20, Vono and Ujkaj mode declines with interaction. Before the break, Mazzotti hit with a right foot halfway and Ojcaj responded brilliantly. 0-0 in the first half.
At the start of the second half (with Gabriele Quitadamo returning to the field from 1 minute, after physical problems), Bota goes with his left foot and Ujkaj is still good at diving in. Minabu tries hard left in the 12th minute, Vage responds with his feet. Penalty kick for Brazil in the 14th minute: Cicagna brings Marchionne down. From 11 meters out, Luca Marchesoni displaces Vaag and gives the Giallorossi the lead (0-1)! A little later, Ujkaj still stunned Celeri. Chest chance with Derek, Marchison backs up, but the ball goes up.
Sunday 30 April (3pm) Club Pra Sestri Levante in Atlio Bravi.
Gozzano: Vagge, Marcaletti (42 Manga points), Gemelli, Cigagna, Rao, Pennati, Selleri, Vono, Mazzotti, Di Giovanni, Montalbano (23 Botta points).
Available: Pallavicini, Torato, Gasparone, Scarpa, Galotti, Sammartino, Molinari.
Coach: Massimiliano Schettino.
Brazil: Ujkaj, Pautassi, Tos, Derrick, Menabo, Marchetti, Gregori (1 ′ st Quitadamo), Capellupo, Marchione (42 ′ st Mawete), Daqoune, Gerbino.
Available: Chococam, Favaro, Dal Olio, Job, Bianchi.
Coach: Roberto Flores.
Referee: Palmieri of Avellino (assistants: De Giulio and Greco of Nichelino).
Scorer: 14 ′ Marchionne (m).
Notes: Cigagna, Vono (G), Pautassi, Tos, Marchetti booked.
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