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Secrets of The Rhetorical Art

Secrets of The Rhetorical Art

The difference between public speaking and everyday communication is in style. 

If you’re preparing for a public speech, there are a few things to keep in mind.

First and foremost, you must consider the audience’s age and preferences, choose a certain vocabulary and think about how to grab and keep their attention.

Often these problems cause concern and interfere with communication with the public. If you’re too worried about whether you’ll win or lose at Playamo Canada and don’t try to enjoy the game, losing will feel twice as depressing and winning will seem like a relief rather than a celebration. Same with your speech, learn to relax and enjoy the process.

We worry that we will suddenly say something wrong or forget the material, and our speech will be remembered as a failure. However, you need to be optimistic about all this and make sure that all aspects of the formal style have a positive impact on speech.

Always Ready

As with any other important occasion, you need to prepare for a public speech. This will help you to be more confident and stay calm.

1. Think about the outfit. Check the clothes with the organizers in advance, choose and prepare them so that you don’t have to look for tights or a bag that matches the clothes before leaving the house.

2. Write your own script. Before the performance, you need to compose a text material and learn it. If you write your script and follow it, everything will go fine. 

You can come up with a welcoming phrase, use introductory word markers, provide some statistics and simply state all you’ve done many times at home in front of the mirror or in front of your loved ones.

3. Rehearse in front of a mirror. It may appear unusual at first, and your attempts to speak with a serious face may result in laughing. However, after several attempts, you will be able to see the benefits and drawbacks of your word.

Perhaps you use sign language inappropriately, stare at the floor primarily, or speak in monotone. You have the option to make corrections in advance to avoid certain errors.

4. Collect additional materials. If there is a possibility of a slide show, then be sure to use video and graphics in speech. They will serve as unique hints and make the speech more impressive. 

Attention! it is impractical to read all the material from the slides. Work to tell the material in your own words. The audience can also read what is written on the screen.

During the speech

Experience shows that the waiting and the first seconds on stage are the most difficult.

Then the adrenaline drops a little, and you start automatically memorizing phrases that you learned at home.

This situation can be compared to an exam, when you prepare for a long time, study and repeat some materials, but you do not stop being afraid. But when a blank sheet of paper appears in front of you, you just take a pen and start confidently answering questions. 

Therefore, the hardest part is the preparation, not the process itself.

Try to “trick your brain”, get ready with pleasure, taking a break from time to time to relax. And when it’s time to speak, just share with the audience the information that you are so interested in.

Talk with pleasure, be open and don’t be afraid to make a mistake.

In the end, if you are sincerely trying to captivate the audience with your speech, every flaw, as well as your slight confusion, is ignored.


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