Florence – Three intense and intense days of scientific update by breast pathologist Giorgio Maria Baratelli at the Current Affairs Congress in Sinalopathy in Florence on 27, 28 and 29 September, accompanied by the new and contagious enthusiasm of the Academy’s students.
Como’s group made six scientific contributions.
1. Breast impressions. An innovative project to promote breast prevention..
2. Communication issues related to the introduction of the electronic health record.
3. Myofibroblastoma of the breast, case presentation.
4. Evaluation of breast density by ultrasound.
5. The importance of teaching breast self-massage to treat periodic breast pain.
6. DeHCA project.
Then, on Wednesday evening, a meeting Scientific Technical Committee of the Umberto Veronese Accademia Which Baratelli is also a part of. “More emotions, memories of faces absent but present in the heart, always stimulate ideas and many new projects are in the pipeline – comments the professor -. Tomorrow we will start again with this extraordinary injection of energy, which has helped to recharge the usual passion.”
“Infuriatingly humble alcohol fanatic. Unapologetic beer practitioner. Analyst.”