(ANSA) – ROME, September 29 – The Galileo Literary Prize for Scientific Publishing, in its 16th edition, will be the main event to be held in Padua as part of Science Week, with the winner announced on October 15. Founded in 2007, the award was created with the aim of spreading scientific culture among young people and celebrating the University of Padua, which since its inception has hosted excellence in the scientific field, starting with Galileo Galilei.
New this year the Piccolo Galileo Prize in its infancy, dedicated to scientific literature for girls and boys, girls and boys, the absolute first in Italian panorama, designed by Pleiadi, the Venetian company that has been dealing with scientific publishing for more than 10 years.
“On the 800th anniversary of our university’s foundation, Science Week and the Galileo Prize take on even greater significance. Our university has always made publication a strong point in its work and has never felt the need before today. This science also reaches the general public, in an authoritative, rigorous and understandable way.
There is a lot of interest in science. We want to believe that the award in these fifteen years has contributed to this interest. It is also for this reason that we decided to create the Piccolo Galileo Prize dedicated to scientific literature for children and young people, a novelty in the Italian panorama of the sector, convinced that there is great potential for training and publication also in this part of the audience”, says Andrea Colassio, Counselor of Culture in the Municipality of Padua.
“Science Week is an important date for the city of Padua, and this year it has been enriched with a series of additional events, such as theatrical and musical performances, and also workshops for families. This is the additional advantage that Pleiades wanted to give to the event, which for ten years has supported the activities of the Galileo Prize, in The city that has always been the cradle of science.Within this event, we wanted to emphasize the scientific communication towards the world of children through the Galileo National Piccolo Prize with the aim of instilling the desire for reading in young people and training new generations more aware of science topics, and also with the aim of providing future opportunities at a professional level ‘,” says Alessio Scaporo, Scientific Director of the Pleiadi Foundation and Piccolo Galileo Prize.
GALILEO PRIZE – Presentation of the books of the final authors: Friday 14 October 18.00 – 20.00, Auditorium, Altinate San Gaetano Cultural Center (by online reservation at www.premiogalileo.eu) – Galileo Prize Awards Ceremony: Saturday 15 October 11.00 – 12.00, Aula Magna of Palazzo Bo, University of Padua (by invitation and stream on the website www.premiogalileo.eu) PRIZE PICCOLO GALILEO – Submission of Final Books for Junior Class: Friday 14 October 10.00-12.30, Sala Rossini, Caffè Pedrocchi (online booking on site e-mail www.premiogalileo.eu) – Submission of the books of the finalists for the youth category: Friday 14 October at 10.00 – 12.30, Sala Paladin, Palazzo Moroni (by reservation online at www.premiogalileo.eu) – Piccolo Galileo Awards Ceremony : Friday, October 14, 17.00-19.00, Agorà, Altinate San Gaetano Cultural Center (by online reservation on the website www.premiogalileo.eu) (ANSA).
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