Home science Science cafés promoted by the Cagliari Science Festival started in Cagliari

Science cafés promoted by the Cagliari Science Festival started in Cagliari

Science cafés promoted by the Cagliari Science Festival started in Cagliari

Science cafés promoted by the Cagliari Science Festival started in Cagliari

Spreading Science: For a New Scientific Humanism

Cagliari, Aula Magna Liceo “A. Pacinotti” April 14th, 5.30pm

he is called CaffeScienza, scientific meetings and chatsthe new initiative that the Cagliari Science Festival will open in the city from April 14 with the aim of proposing public meetings dedicated to scientific dissemination and bringing the general public closer to social issues through a flexible and educational format.

The course will be opened by the professor. Davide Peddis, the new president ofScience Society Science Associationthe organizer of the festival, which this year will reach its sixteenth edition on the usual dates in early November.

The inaugural meeting will be held on Friday April 14th at 5.30pm In the Great Liceo Hall “A. Pacinotti” and will be devoted to the topic Disclosing Science: For a New Scientific Humanism.

In the second half of the twentieth century, the publisher Paolo Borengeri wrote it “Scientific publication is the cornerstone for scientists who succeed in communicating the ideas behind their research: not just the specific outcome, but the mental structure that defines all scientific research.” And the Piedmontese intellectual added it Only if this goal is achieved does science become a cultural fact. An element that enters the horizon of the educated man.

Proceeding from this vision, during the scientific cafés Peddis, professor of physical chemistry at the University of Genoa and co-researcher on a research mission of the National Research Council, will trace the exciting journey to discover the structure of matter for which she was awarded the Nobel Prize. Physics explained by William Bragg in his most famous work Christmas LectureAnd The engineering of things.

We will explore the most intimate nature of matter and the ideas behind its study up to the scientific and technological advances related to the development of nanoscience, and the scientific and cultural revolution unleashed by this new system. Finally, we will try to understand how this view of popular science can affect the “learned man’s horizon”.


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