Lucio Tirone contributes to the Ska Observatory in Australia and South Africa

over there Construction will last 8 years With Two billion euro investmentThere are 131,000 antennas to be installed in Australia,” LaPress said Lucius TyroneOriginally an electromagnetic engineer Sulmona (L’Aquila), which contributes to Creation of the most powerful radio telescope in the world (SCA Observatory). Tyron confirmed that the observatory under construction includes two telescopes: Low and Ska, one of which will be installed on the new continent, and the other in South Africa. The radio astronomical observatory will be instrumental in understanding the “cosmic dawn” and the “infinite worlds of which man is an infinitesimal part”. Engineer honored today in Sulmona (L’Aquila)’The Silver Ovid’ of the Lions Club. The scientific project is of great interest, it is supported by 16 countries, including Italy, with the leading role played by the engineer from Sulmona. “We will start in 2024 with 6 stations until 2028 with 512 stations – explained Tyrone – Each station is connected to an optical fiber and the data transmitted in the desert stations will be digitized It will travel thousands of kilometers to be processed at the supercomputer center in Perth (Western Australia). “The locals have been involved in the project for years” and allow us to use their land. There is no one else who has reached such a high level to build this observatory,” Terone concluded, referring to the National Institute of Astrophysics in Bologna.

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