The Department of Molecular Medicine of the University of Padua, in collaboration with the Regional School Office of Padua and Rovigo, the Municipality of Padua and the Voluntary Service Center of Padua and Rovigo, has launched the project Science and Society: The Limits of Molecular Medicine and Its Ethical and Social Implications.
Stem cells, tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, drugs and vaccines, genetic engineering, sex medicine, infectious diseases, sexually transmitted diseases: these are some of the topics that, along with their bioethical implications, are the subject of a large-scale publication project involving not only high school students in Padua and their teachers, but all citizens of the city’s six districts.
Tuesday January 17, at 7 pm, in Sala E. Ferazza in Via Boccaccio, 80 in Padua (Quartiere 3 Est, Centro Civico), the third round of the project will take place with the meeting entitled The medicine in it – will we be able to regenerate body parts that are lost or no longer functioning? will be scheduled Paula BrunProfessor, Department of Molecular Medicine, University of Padua.
The loss or failure of organs is among the most common causes of disease and death: for this reason it is necessary to study how to replace non-functioning tissues and organs, which do not regenerate spontaneously. This is what regenerative medicine deals with, the branch of medicine that aims to repair tissues and organs by enhancing natural regeneration processes and transplanting tissues created in the laboratory into patients.
“Some of the techniques of regenerative medicine are already being applied in medical practice and represent an extraordinary achievement, while others are under development and raise great hopes. For this reason, regenerative medicine is one of the sectors of medicine frequented by charlatans and smoke-sellers: it is therefore important that citizens be able to orient themselves in this field, learn about safe and effective treatments and avoid false miracle cures. Paula Brun explains.
The project Science and Society: The Limits of Molecular Medicine and Its Ethical and Social Implications
with the project Science and Society: The Limits of Molecular Medicine and Its Ethical and Social Implications The Department of Molecular Medicine at the University of Padua intends to carry out an important informational action to raise awareness of some of the most advanced research points in the field of biomedicine and at the same time educate the population about good prevention practices. It is an opportunity for knowledge and discussion, which aims to promote a more informed and effective approach to some important topics in biomedical research, bioethics and health.
«The Department of Molecular Medicine has a very broad mission, both in terms of basic and clinical research and in the field of bioethics: it therefore has unique skills and sensitivity, which will allow a multidisciplinary and comprehensive approach to the topics covered – Dr. explains Anna Orseolo, among the supporters of the project as a member of the Third Mission Committee of the Department of Molecular Medicine -. The aim of the proposed initiatives will above all be to engage secondary schools, whose study plans do not include or do not comprehensively deal with the proposed research topics, through meetings with students and refresher courses for teachers. The project also includes a series of citizen conferences, in district halls, on some research topics proposed and identified together with the Municipality of Padua, interventions of a laboratory nature also within cultural and / or social initiatives, organized by the municipality itself and aimed above all at families. Even the voluntary associations, which are coordinated by the Center for Collective Action in Padua and Rovigo, will participate in the project thanks to a series of meetings specifically targeting the population groups that these associations support ».
“It gives me great pleasure to be able to collaborate with the University in publicizing these issues, and even more so after years in which science and medicine have been so central to the daily discussions of all of us – Comments Francesca Pinciolini, Decentralization Adviser of the Municipality of Padua -. Various initiatives will be held in the halls of our neighborhood precisely to facilitate the participation of all citizens and families in these moments, which will allow us to explore many issues far from the distortions that unfortunately often characterize the media, thanks to direct comparison with experts and experts.
For information about the project:
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