Sunday, March 16, 2025

San Lorenzo Night 2022, where you see a shooting star in the Marche – what to do

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Ancona, August 8, 2022 – San Lorenzo is approaching and the starry night He always has a special charm. It’s all in their eyes Wednesday, August 10, hopefully Being lucky and seeing at least one fall. They are different in Walk A date not to be missed is San Lorenzo Night. Here are a few.


counting “candles under the stars” Between Pesaro, Gabiche Marie, and Gradara In the magic of the night of San Lorenzo. Dinner on the beach of the beaches of Pesaro, Gabecchi and San Bartolo, p By candlelight in the castle de gradara interstellar notes e dressed in white in San Bartolo Rivera. Three events in one to delight all who wish to participate. in a museum bali i nvece on time “meteor nights” , three exceptional days on Days 10, 11 and 12: The front park will be closed and only accessible to visitors who will find many dedicated activities. The schedule also changes, from 5 pm to midnight to investigate the topic scientifically or simply to relax in the garden observing the falling stars.

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to me Osimo counting “star cups” , the event in the historic center with exhibitions, shopping, live music and observing celestials from the magnificent balcony of Piazza Nova with telescope accompanied by Ama, the Society of Amateur Astronomers in the Marche region. 9:30 pm at the Piazza Gramsci Conference “the limits of the universe”. Three days are then set to be lost in the starry sky, touching nature and the magic of night on the hills of olive trees. that’s what “Party with the stars. sky scenery ” scheduled in the Oil House Garden and Biodiversity A Spontini mayola From Friday 12 to Sunday 14 August. The event, which is organized by the Oil House under the auspices of the municipal administration, will take place from 7.30 pm waiting for a picnic under the stars based on local handicrafts, and from 9 pm the sky will present a view from the sky, with the possibility of observing the stars, moons and planets through the eyes of three professional telescopes. We will talk about the constellations, with a legendary historical reference, along with the amateurs of the Ama Association.

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San Lorenzo Night, where you see the stars at the Marche (Photo: Osimo's Star Cups)


The Night of the Meteor Happened to Everyone: Lie on a Meadow Delmo statement You can relax by observing the sky and waiting for some meteors to pass by. “Night and stars in San Vicino” , is the address of the trip, costs 15 euros. Meet at 6.30pm at the crossroads in front of the former San Vicino (an easy ride only for the small, short initial sections of an hour and a half to climb to the top). The drop-off was set at 0.45. While stopping at the top, you will have the opportunity to admire and photograph the Milky Way. else Trip to Sibillini It is scheduled to travel from the Maseretto Reserve to the city of Kobe, passing through Piani de Maseretto. Beautiful sunset stroll among Cupi pastures with panoramic views of Monte Bove and the other peaks of Sibillini. A packed dinner, and for those who want, there will be “Strengthen” With delicious pecorino from Pastorello di Cupi, then you can count the towering stars lying on the lawns.


The evening was born out of the union of two events dedicated to astronomy and cultural promotion. “Then we went out to see the stars” It is the annual event promoted by Archeoclub in Comunanza, which makes its first stop in Montegalo After 19 years of activity in the municipality of Comunanza, while “Nomadism under the stars” This year’s Montegallese event is in its second edition. Starting at 7.30pm for dinner and from 9.15pm, the world of beekeeping and honey production will be the hero with a screening of the documentary “Sibillini nectar” by Mille del Vittore Ranch and documentary filmmaker Francesca Laurie. Presented by Francesco Eleuteri. From 10 p.m. to 1 a.m., amateurs will guide telescope observations of the stars in the sky with screenings of documentaries.

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Leon Motley
Leon Motley
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