Brian ChristianThe Roma midfielder spoke with an open heart Sport Week Providing T insert Gazzetta dello Sport A long interview: “My father was born in Canada, but my family is an Italian family. I want to say that I have a double passport. I was searched several times by the Canadian coach before my first call with Italy. I was twenty “years old, but I never thought too much about it, because in that period The situation was very different. I am Italian, I have no doubts. I have only been to Canada once. My grandfather’s brothers were in Toronto. There were many Friuli who emigrated in those days.
Have you ever felt undervalued?
“No, I followed the path that all younger boys do. I will repeat the experience abroad, which has helped me grow from all perspectives”.
Do you know how to speak Portuguese?
“Yes. I was able to train at Roma with Fonseca, Pinto and Mourinho. But Mou speaks Italian better than I speak Portuguese”.
Trigoria is said to be the smartest football player on the team. Could this be a problem at times?
“I can’t say I’m smart, but being aware of things, how to behave and how to move through all situations is definitely an extra help.”
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