Brian ChristianThe Roma midfielder spoke with an open heart Sport Week Providing T insert Gazzetta dello Sport A long interview: “My father was born in Canada, but my family is an Italian family. I want to say that I have a double passport. I was searched several times by the Canadian coach before my first call with Italy. I was twenty “years old, but I never thought too much about it, because in that period The situation was very different. I am Italian, I have no doubts. I have only been to Canada once. My grandfather’s brothers were in Toronto. There were many Friuli who emigrated in those days.
Have you ever felt undervalued?
“No, I followed the path that all younger boys do. I will repeat the experience abroad, which has helped me grow from all perspectives”.
Do you know how to speak Portuguese?
“Yes. I was able to train at Roma with Fonseca, Pinto and Mourinho. But Mou speaks Italian better than I speak Portuguese”.
Trigoria is said to be the smartest football player on the team. Could this be a problem at times?
“I can’t say I’m smart, but being aware of things, how to behave and how to move through all situations is definitely an extra help.”
“Total coffee junkie. Tv ninja. Unapologetic problem solver. Beer expert.”