Angus hockey Vercelli, his head and heart are not only on the track, but also Next to the children in the hospital. Collection of toys for young cancer patients of Regina Margarita Turin and ai Pediatric Children of Vercelli. A childhood scarred and a future that is often already written by an unforgiving prognosis that leaves no way out but a gift that has to be a little lighter and a little more comforting. Engas Hockey Vercelli together with the Istituto Comprensivo Rosa Stampa, Avogadro and Circolo Bellaria support the AOP, the Pediatric Oncology Association, for a range of toys for children in the hospital with the aim of giving them a smile at Christmas.
The group of games will be held on the occasionThe last day of the A1 rink hockey tournament, when Engas HV takes on the challenge at Pala Pregnolato with Ubroker Bassano. An invitation to participate is an invitation of Engas Hockey Vercelli addressed to all citizens, not only to sports: games (every type of game Except for soft toys) It will be collected on Wednesday, December 21st in front of the building from 7 p.m The donation will then be made to the children and young adults admitted to the Regina Margherita Hospital in Turin and to the children’s ward of the local hospital. Accompanied by greeting cards designed by students of Rosa Stampa and Avogadro schools.
The teachers said: “The sensitivity of the children was so affected that, while making the tickets, they asked us if they could and it was right that we wrote to them: Merry Christmas! Under the circumstances…”. It is not a new initiative of Engas Hockey Vercelli which, since its foundation, has set itself the goal of promoting not only a sporting culture but also a social one, and has been welcomed with great enthusiasm also by the team’s coach, Roberto Crudelli.
Aop odv, headquartered in Via Ariosto 3, has been active since April 2017, and was created by parents who experienced their children’s oncological disease firsthand and then managed to turn great personal pain into something great.
“Until the end it wasn’t real to me, I didn’t want to believe it. The doctors told us that, they prepared us for the fact that we were going to lose him, but I saw him play and I couldn’t believe it. If I didn’t have the association.. it helps me react” Example of How to turn pain into positive action is the example of Mrs. Franca Franchez, Alessandro’s grandmother, one of the three children to whom the association is dedicated.
The Aop assists the department, the research laboratory and the Isle of Margherita, in the supply of electromedical equipment and the latest medical devices in agreement with the doctors of the structure of the Children’s Hospital of Regina Margherita in Turin for concrete, concrete and positive assistance aimed at the treatment, health and well-being of the oncological child. The Society creates and funds projects that can interact with and support new treatments and procedures that maintain and improve the current standard of care. For several years he had an apartment in Turin, a gift from Carlo Olmo, which he gave on loan for use to the parents of children in the oncology ward.
Anyone wishing to support the activities promoted by the association can refer to the website:
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