Belgian investigation into allegations of corruption by Antonio Panzieri in support of Qatar’s progress in the field of human rightsalso participates Maria Dolores Colleone And the Silvia Panzeri, Respectively the wife and daughter of S & D MEP group. According to Brussels investigators, who obtained an international arrest warrant, the two suspects appear to be “fully aware of the activities” of the “husband/father” and appear to be “involved in the transfer”. The “gifts” presented by the Moroccan ambassador to Poland, A. aYesterday, the investigation led to the arrest of five people, including the Vice-President of the European Parliament, Eva Kayli, and Panziri himself. In the home of the Greek MEP – immediately expelled from her party – Bags of banknotes have been found which is why the policy is protected with immunitythe detention possible under the law was made only in the presence of a recognizable felony.
Investigators explained that the crimes Mentioned in wiretap transcriptsand “during this period Ms. Panziri made comments about the ‘gifts’ from which she seemed to have profited.” Maria Collioni had also told Panzieri to “open a file A bank account in Belgium She seemed to insist that she did not want him to trade without being able to control them. Tell him to open a VAT account, suggesting that Panzeri can start a new business, subject to VAT. This shows that Maria Colleoni She exercises some kind of control over her husband’s activities Or at least he’s trying to maintain some control. Investigators indicate that Colleoni “used the word”Collecting‘to refer to her husband’s travels and affairs. The pejorative French word “collects” suggests that Her husband uses ingenious and often incorrect means to achieve his goals“.
In the documents attached by the Belgian authorities to the Italian authority, there is also the reference On holidays at a cost of up to “100,000 euros”. Collioni, according to the investigation, told her “husband” that she could not spend 100,000 euros on holidays like last year and that she believed the current offer, 9000€ per person just for accommodation, it was too expensiveThe two women, who will be judged by the Brescia Court of Appeal, are responsible for aiding and abetting the Brussels investigation in cases of corruption and money laundering, with a criminal association that led to the arrest of Panzieri himself and other persons.
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