The “relationship” between Russia and China is “extremely stable” and “better than the Cold War-era political and military unions.” This was confirmed today, Sunday, April 16, by Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin and the new Chinese Defense Minister, Li Shangfu, during the latter’s visit to Moscow. Putin said that “the development of relations between our two countries is proceeding well in all areas: the economy, the social, cultural and educational sectors and in the military departments,” and also emphasized how the two powers are “actively working” in the military sphere. “Regular exchange” – among other things – “useful information, cooperation in the field of military-technical cooperation and conducting joint exercises in various theaters: in the Far Eastern region and in Europe, in the sea, land and air spheres,” the Russian president continued, citing tax. Cooperation between Beijing and Moscow, the goal of which, – echoed the Chinese defense minister, – is the development of global security. “Recently, cooperation between Russia and China in the military-technical field has developed very well. Li Shangfu emphasized that this greatly contributes to ensuring global and regional security. “Let us stand shoulder to shoulder – continues the Beijing official – and work to improve the well-being of our people. Given that the economic recovery is so slow, the world is so restless, peace and peaceful relations between countries are much needed. Li Changfu is the first visit abroad since his appointment as defense minister: “I chose Russia specifically in order to emphasize the special nature and strategic importance of our bilateral relations.” Just a few weeks ago, Chinese President Xi Jinping paid tribute to Putin in the Kremlin. A three-day event was organized to confirm «partnership without borders “between (strong) actors and which today, after about thirty days, are defined as” very productive “by the Russian leader himself.
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