Home science Puglia, Capone: ‘Gender inequality is also in science’

Puglia, Capone: ‘Gender inequality is also in science’

Puglia, Capone: ‘Gender inequality is also in science’

So the President of the Puglia Regional Council at the press conference to present the higher education course in Gender Medicine required by the Regional Women’s Council, in collaboration with the Prevention Department of the ASL in Bari

“There are things that have to be taken for granted and instead we still chase them with difficulty today. In some cases, it seems to be taking a thousand steps back. There is clearly still much to be built on the path of respect and dialogue between a man and a woman. And it is true. For institutions and politics as it applies to science.” Thus, the President of the Regional Council of Puglia, Loredana Capone, attended the press conference to present the advanced training course in Gender Medicine requested by the Regional Women’s Council, in cooperation with the Prevention Department of the ASL in Bari, scheduled for April 6 and 7 in the Council Chamber in the road non-Jews. “Discovering that most current orthopedic prosthetics – the president added – are designed for the male body, so more work is needed to adapt them to the female and do not always work, left me speechless. It is inconceivable not to realize that this diversity is fundamental, that it is not a good thing or Bad, but it’s just a variation to know.”

Aimed at physicians, nurses and health aides, the course is free of charge and provides recognition of training credits for participating health workers.


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