Poste Italiane expands the space devoted to financial education issues by publishing 28 small guides on the dedicated site’s website, along with two introductory videos for the Literacy and Financial Education sections. The need – explains Poste in a note – to provide 28 guides to financial education, called the ‘Moments of Life Handbook’, born to respond to a specific approach on the part of the consumer in the field of personal economics, namely: ‘I am a specific target (eg.
children’s study, home, retirement) and I’m interested in knowing how to do it, or I’m in a particular situation related to a life event’. The new section, dedicated to life events, directs and encourages thinking before any action towards, for example, savings, the welfare system and social security or regulations in the areas of insurance, social security, finance and credit. The events are divided into 28 “thematic stairs”, divided by regions and intended to help prevent and manage potential and potential situations. Each drawer contains a short text that acts as a guide. Two “videos”, 3/4 minutes long, introduce the topics of financial literacy, which explains the most important financial phenomena and the rules of the world outside us, and financial education, which takes into account personal events and prepares for a discussion with an expert. Who will accompany you next in your choices in the financial field.
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