The contributor is called: from The Ministry of Economy He strongly denies that he played a role in this move Italian Postwhich decided on Monday 7 November the day after the last to stop buying tax credits born with business Energy Efficiency Submitted by Superbonos. However, since these are the companies that, between indirect and direct shares, represent more than 64% of the Ministry of Minister GiorgettiThe move seemed like a slap in the face to the building requests that asked the state and its subsidiaries a confidence signal. All of this is then communicated by two brief lines on the product page on the Poste website explaining how the purchase of credits has been held until a later date, specifying that the decision does not affect practices already initiated.
Some might say God forbid. And the justification under which Poste does what the big corporations of the country have been doing for some time is worthless, because Poste’s purchases, net of the fact that it is a company State property, quite different from banks. In fact, the latter actually built and sold gods Loans for renewalsfirst guaranteed and then paid through tax credits that could have been generated using Construction. Instead, Poste essentially bought credits directly, directly from the restructuring and debit owner, so to speak and only once it was formed. Now switching, moreover close to closing a filefiscal yearafter which it appears that the percentage discount will drop from 110 to 90 percent, which is a slap in the face for those rushing to close construction sites to avoid getting stuck in the construction path.
just behavior State-owned companies It ended up in the eyes of the builders, withreed Who raised the alarm about “crazy speculation” at the expense of companies, which he said was born precisely because of the tightening of baggage restrictions practiced by public companies. In this case, the problem is not absorptive capacity, as the Assembly denounces, but political will. The result is that whoever still buys credits does so Very low ratesand take advantage ofcommercial desperationIf the credit was 110% bought on average at 102%, it is now at 85%.
We have been calling for the release of all public affiliates for some time. We need a sign of trust, without blowing up thousands of companies, ”said the head builders who, in addition to Poste, also poses Cassa Depositi e Prestiti. The situation seems particularly complicated for small businesses, which have Cna They request that a table be called urgently to find a solution. Verification is also required by Confediliziawhich provides in-depth analysis before further new changes are made.
Poste, which has taken in a total of tens of billions of credits, has stopped buying from businesses for about a year and has now closed the taps even with individuals with smaller credits, including 100,000 and 150,000 euros. This move may be a result of recent moves Supreme Court rulings who ordered the withholding of construction bonuses sold, believing that the business’s invoices actually indicated non-existent operations. In other words, summer compensation does not work in its current form.
The fact remains that the post office’s decision stunned the parties involved in the chair. Francesco Silvestrithe head of the M5S group in the room, spoke of a “very dangerous” decision and asked the Minister of Economy, Giancarlo Giorgettito report to the class on the occasion of the discussion on updating the economics and finance document (tease). “We consider it unacceptable that a publicly controlled company like Poste does not contribute to trading which is necessary to make franchises work – he asserts -. Let us remember that tens of thousands of companies risk closing if the mechanism is not brought back to full functionality.”
“Infuriatingly humble alcohol fanatic. Unapologetic beer practitioner. Analyst.”