new pressure onTax evasion by the government. The last cabinet actually expected the obligation to have a POS For all those who have a business, from the self-employed to the professionals and even the street vendors themselves.
The commitment will take effect next June and stipulate fines for merchants who do not comply. But there are many who have some doubts about the effective applicability of the clause for a number of reasons.
That’s why according to many files Fines for not possessing points of sale It will be difficult to apply.
Commit to owning points of sale as of June 30
Since 2012, efforts have been made to combat tax evasion by getting more and more people to pay with electronic money. To do this, it is clear that every business owner or professional must have POS-This is the necessary terminal device for receiving payments by credit or debit card.
try to Monte . government But at that time there was not much to join either because there was no obligation and no fines foreseen.
This is so approval Recovery Act Decree for 2021 which provides for a double penalty for those who do not comply with the POS terminal. The entry into force of the ruling is set for January 2023, but the last Cabinet predicted everything: we start next June 306 months ahead of schedule.
Thus, merchants have two and a half months to comply under pain of an administrative fine of 30 euros, increased by 4% of the value of the transaction for which payment was refused.
But implementing the rule is very difficult and many expect failure.
POS fines, this is why it doesn’t work according to experts
The impression is that those who have not yet adapted by installing a file POS In your business or business, definitely not running to grab it by June.
to me Post consumption The rule is certainly excellent for countering evasion, but it does appear to be at the limit of the rating.
In fact, the weight of the control is always first and only on the customer who, in the event that he is sure that he is not in possession of the device, is due to call the police and then they will have to be the ones to ascertain the violation. The question is: How many people would be willing to do that?
to me Post consumption The examinations should be performed automatically and on a sample basis. And what would happen if the merchant justified the impossibility of digital payment in the face of a tasting point-of-sale or missing line?
In short, as has been studied, standard risks remain inapplicable.
How to get points of sale
Get points of sale For those who own a business, it is not that difficult. In general, it is the bank that provides the device that allows you to receive payments made by electronic money.
But there are many specialized companies online. The offers are numerous and at very different prices, both for those who decided to rent the finish, and for those who decided to buy it.
Often times those who do not accept digital payments do so because Commission costs It is not a little in every transaction. In general, you always pay a flat fee on each transaction, even for very small amounts.
To stimulate purchasing, the government introduced a credit tax €160 maximum for merchants with a terminal connected to the cash register.
Credit up to a maximum of 320 euros for those who install smart positionMore advanced devices allow remote storage and transmission.
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