There are Italian pasta brands they don’t use 100% Italian wheat. This is not new or news, because it is enough to compare the production of wheat in Italy with the amount of pasta produced and sold, to realize that the numbers do not add up in response to market demand. Our crops produce more pasta than wheat.
As consumers, we often assume that Italian products such as pasta contain Italian ingredients, but this is not always the case. Since it is mandatory to indicate the origin of the product, such as wheat, pasta packaging states that consumers prefer to buy pasta brands that use it. 100% Italian wheat.
However, not all have this label on the package because they use a mixture of wheat of Italian and foreign origin. Buyers pay attention to a further classification of origin of the wheat, namely whether it is within the EU or from a non-European country such as Canada (one of the main producers and exporters of wheat).
100% Italian Pasta: Which brands use Italian wheat?
The A major supplier of grain For Italian pasta brands, there is one million tons of wheat per year Canada. In recent years, following the pandemic and the outbreak of war in Ukraine, imports of grain from abroad have decreased slightly, but still dominate. As he pointed out, the purchase was abandoned life saverThe production of pasta made from 100% wheat of Italian origin has increased at the same rate.
Wheat mole bought in Canada or other European countries is not used much for the domestic market for the production of pasta that is sent abroad.
Here is the list Brands that use Italian wheat:
- AgnesA unique blend of durum wheat harvested in Italian regions;
- Black elkorganic durum wheat grown in Italy;
- Armandowheat of Italian origin;
- Anthony Amato: 100% Italian wheat freshly milled in the Salerno mill;
- Armando: 100% Italian supply chain wheat;
- Parilla: We read on the brand’s website that “Barilla uses selected 100% Italian wheat for its classic forms of pasta destined for the Italian market”;
- Bettiniwheat of Italian origin;
- Gonad: “Verso Natura” line organic pasta made with 100% Italian semolina (no other products);
- Cooperative: Fior Fiore line: from durum wheat semolina of Italian origin;
- Desbar Premium: 100% Italian wheat;
- Benedictwheat of Italian origin;
- By Martinwheat of Italian origin;
- Divella: The combined line uses 100% Italian wheat;
- Eurospin: “Bronze Line” pasta tray mulini is made with 100% Italian durum wheat semolina pasta and the organic pasta line is made with 100% Italian wheat, which is entirely trophy;
- Fabianelliwheat of Italian origin;
- Belicettiwheat of Italian origin;
- GirolomonyObtained exclusively from durum wheat grown in Italy of organic origin;
- GranoroDedicato Line: A line that uses 100% Apulian wheat;
- GranoroBio Line: The Granoro Line, which uses 100% organic wheat grown in Italy;
- The Mollies: Italian wheat is grown only in Molise, Puglia, Marche, Lazio and Abruzzo;
- Liquorice: 100% Italian durum wheat with a high protein content grown in the fields of Tavolier delle Buckley, Basilicata, Molise and Marseille;
- Nature yeswheat of Italian origin;
- Bam – I Tessori: wheat of Italian origin;
- liarwheat of Italian origin;
- Ricotta Bio: Wheat of Italian origin;
- We screamed, whole wheat and organic line: made with 100% Italian wheat for the environment. The company has announced that it will switch its entire supply chain to 100% Italian wheat;
- Russianwheat of Italian origin;
- Celex Saper di Sapori: wheat of Italian origin;
- Cetaruswheat of Italian origin;
- Scamparowheat of Italian origin;
- Wheat Valley: Sicilian durum is produced exclusively with wheat;
- Live Green Goop: Derived from 100% Italian organic durum wheat;
* Voiello: With Grano Ario, 100% Italian durum wheat.
100% Italian non-wheat pasta: what are the brands and who is the production assigned to?
As briefly explained in the previous paragraph, Italian wheat is fully used for pasta production and domestic sales. In other words: wheat bought and imported outside of Italy returns abroad in the form of pasta. Italian brands buy less and less foreign base products, but when they doexport.
However, in other cases, even in Italy, we find pasta packages that bear the words “mixed grains”. It is the most common label for supermarket brands.
So let’s see which brands use a mix of Italian and foreign wheat (from or outside of Europe):
- Gonad: consumes at least 51% of Italian wheat, the rest foreign;
- Carrefour: EU and non-EU wheat;
- Cooperativewheat EU and non-EU;
- De Cecco: Italian wheat, EU and non-EU. Italian, California and Arizona durum wheats are used;
- Levant: EU and non-EU wheat;
- Divella: Italian wheat, EU and non-EU;
- Eurospin: On the site they don’t mention the wheat origin of the “3 Mills” pasta;
- Garofalo: Italian, Australian and Arizona wheat;
- Granoro: Italian wheat, EU and non-EU. Wheat comes from Italy, Canada, USA, Australia, France, Greece and Spain;
- of Novel: EU and non-EU wheat;
- Lidl I combine: EU and non-EU wheat;
- MD Pasta Real: EU and non-EU wheat;
- Palace: Italy, EU and non-EU wheat;
- We screamed: EU and non-EU wheat (Italy and Australia);
- Todies: On the site they don’t mention the wheat origin of the “Mediterranean Heart” pasta.
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