Our Next Energy startup has hit the mark: the first tests of the Gemini 001 on board a Tesla Model S showed unprecedented driving range

In the lab, the ONE battery has exceeded 1,400 kilos and is “full”
(Rinnovabiili.it) – “We want to accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles by eliminating the worry about charging, which holds most consumers back today”. with these words Mujib Ijaz, founder and CEO of Our next power ONE has unveiled one of the world’s most advanced car storage systems. Let’s talk about Gemini 001, the 1 battery Able to guarantee a driving range of over 1200 km.
In recent days, the device, which is currently still in the proof-of-concept stage, has been tested in a Tesla Model S. Technicians at the startup have tested the performance of the Gemini 001 in real conditions, driving a “modified” Tesla through Michigan. Results? ONE battery is allowed to Travel 1210 km on a single charge. The performance in the laboratory was clearly better, reaching 1419 km with an average cruising speed of 88 km per hour.
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This is a huge step forward for the world of e-mobility. Despite the progress that has been made in the storage sector in recent years, one of the biggest obstacles to purchasing electronic vehicles is the performance of current car batteries. They raise the price of the car, extend “full” times, and reduce autonomy compared to their fossil counterparts. Even in high-end electric vehicles, factors such as high-speed driving, harsh weather conditions, mountainous terrain or towing trailers can reduce overall performance; Which in some cases results in a loss of more than 35% of nominal autonomy.
High intensity and uncompromising sustainability
ONE Gemini battery, thanks a Power Density 416 W/L, “It doubles the available onboard power in the same package space.” Thus eliminating at least one of our most pressing concerns. But the company intends to go further. “We are now focusing on developing this drum kit that validates the concept […] Optimizing costs and safety by using sustainable materials”, Spiga permit.
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What are the next steps? Build the final prototype by 2023 with the goal of launching the first production site in North America. We are convinced that it is economically feasible […] We want to eliminate both nickel and cobalt, without sacrificing energy density. Our goal is to reinvent battery chemistry and cell structure.”