Obviously when it comes to Thor: Love and Thunder, in the Pantheon in ancient Greece and Taika Waititi, the design will be very different. But this new, unedited shot in the latest trailer you’ll see before the release, doesn’t it remind you of Cloud City by Lando Calrissian? Look well.
Maybe we’re working a little too imaginatively or maybe it’s just love for that quote that’s a little freaky and a little crossover. But looking at the style Taika Waititihimself love quote More or less obvious and the fact that Disney itself is now commissioning it A movie in the world of LucasFilmhis longtime dream, may have played an actual role in some scenes of the fourth chapter of God of Thunder, which will be released only 3 days later, starting July 6 in Italian cinemas.
That feeling gives us the latest trailer available as a release countdown, which can also deliver, again and after weeks of promotional material, unreleased sequences and jokes. We see a bull gathering The Gods Who Survived the Gore Massacre by Christian Bale – Which he said, which made many raise their noses, many saw cut offs Very terrifying scenes in Thor Love and Thunder Because he is not family friendly enough. Let’s review of course Natalie Portman’s Mighty Thor: here if you want to know what happened Jane Foster in the MCU in these years of absence.
But above all we see this short sequence, first from the outside, of this golden palace which must be the same, on the inside, in the latest trailers: Greek pantheonL’Olympus Zeus played by Russell Crowe. Which then opens up to an unanswered question, which is the fact that Thor and Vakiri use the signature bolt of lightning, indicating his death at the hands of Gore. In fact, in other trailers we have seen a bull freeing himself from the apparent captivity of Zeus, so it is likely that he stole it from him. Whatever the case, this sequence in the draw doesn’t remind you much of the first shot cloud city In Star Wars? Do you know about Confirmed number of postal credits in Thor Love and Thunder?
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