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Now he is homeless. Currie studies the great return – Corriere.it

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From Luigi Ippolito

Now he is looking to the future of the spouses: he will write about Shakespeare, a monument, which will earn him paid speeches. She, aka Lady Macbeth, is very ambitious

from our reporter
LONDON – Technically, a homeless man. Meaning that Boris Johnson once He’ll have made up his mind to get out of Downing StreetHe has nowhere to go. A former prime minister without a fixed home. In fact he will have a residence in Oxfordshire, But long-term chartered: Because he thought he had been prime minister for at least ten years. And his wife Carrie’s apartment in London is too small for a family with two children. So, before he finally packs his bags, Boris will have to worry about finding a house to rent.

He never went out of his way to accumulate material possessionsalso because In recent years he has practically lived at the expense of the state: He doesn’t even have his own car, it was the blue car with the driver. But these are all problems that will be resolved soon. Indeed, like any previous prime minister, Johnson has a lucrative career ahead: his own, surrounded by the aura of celebrity. And perhaps from this point of view, his expulsion from the government is comforting: because It was said that Boris was obsessed with the money dilemmaAnd the He fell because he was in bankruptcy due to a very costly divorce of his second wife and all the childrenLegal or otherwise, I find myself compelled to keep it.

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Issues that will be over soon. Johnson would surely make a major breakthrough writing books (he was already working on a volume on Shakespeare) and everyone is convinced it would be one of the quickest memorials in libraries. But above all there profitable speech circlenot only in Great Britain but also abroad: and in America a man like him would be paid with gold from banks and corporations for the distillation of his word which he had gained in many international trials. Then there’s his life’s passion, journalism. Boris is likely to come back to comment on the press: even before he becomes prime minister
He was paying him over €300,000 a year for a weekly column, not to mention now.

But it will also be interesting to see how Johnson channels his burning power: why It’s hard to think that he wouldn’t be interested in politics. On the other hand, while Tony Blair has been making a lot of money through speeches and advice, he has always stayed hand in hand in the dough with his foundation (he was a puppeteer to oppose Brexit): thus: Boris is likely to become a right-wing version of Blairready to step in from the sidelines.

but maybe The most interesting future for the Johnson family is that of the other half, Carrie. She was always a woman ambitious and opportunistic, but above all she is only 34 years old: the future is wide open for her. Notably, before she became the first lady she was just 29 years old, the youngest female director of communications in the history of the Conservative Party: so much so that Sector Magazine PRWeek referred to as The second most influential figure in Britain in the field of political public relations.

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she She was not simply a wife: instead of, In all the recent events in Downing Street, someone has seen his hand. She was even accused of being the cause of Boris’ downfall, on her own Extravagant tastes and passion for parties: Lady Macbeth, call her, Carrie Antoinette, Mad Princess. All the evils described by his friends as malevolent, misogynistic and sexist.

As is, Carrie is a brilliant politician with her own agenda: Primarily environmental reason. So maybe he starts from here to build his future maybe along with others Humanitarian and charitable commitments. Even before her, Cherie Blair or Samantha Cameron returned to work after the first lady’s experiences: the first as a successful lawyer, the second as a designer. Such as timesDry your tears, Carrie, the best is yet to come. Perhaps the newspaper concluded, The day will come when Boris will be introduced to society as Carrie Symonds’ husband.

Jul 9 2022 (change on Jul 9, 2022 | 07:12)

Ike Walton
Ike Walton
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