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No Way Home, Alfred Molina talks about the problems she had with Marvel for the movie

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Alfred Molina Spider-Man: No Home

When a movie blockbuster Spider-Man: No way home He has not seen the light – or rather the darkness – of cinemas, and he is one of his most anticipated interpreters, Alfred MolinaVariety’s mics have spoiled him that he’ll be back in the movie to play a role doc ok Already played by the actor in Spider-Man 2 Also by Sam Raimi in the new John Watts movie on the Wall Climber starring Tom Holland.

Molina was drawn into a reporter’s snare, which he unbuttoned prematurely, and uttered the following words: «It was great. It was exciting to be back in the movie after 17 years of playing the same character. Some time passed, and now I have a double chin, crow’s feet, and a slightly bad back (…) In the movie I was dead. But in this universe, nobody really dies».

In a recent interview with a translator Doctor Octopus He returned to talk about the “bad”: «I was talking to a reporter who said to me, “So, how’s the Spider-Man movie going?” And I said, “Oh, well, thanks.” Then the next Variety has its own title: Alfred Molina Reveals Dock Ock Returns».

«in this way I got into trouble – Molina added, speaking about the implications of this inaccurate reveal, explaining that he can’t now say if his character will return in a future Marvel movie, specifically so he doesn’t repeat the same mistake he’s already stumbled upon – I started getting calls from Amy Pascal And the Kevin Feige On the red carpet, to those who asked him about some of the Marvel movies, he answered a little annoyed: “Ask Alfred Molina!”».

Photo: MovieStillsDB

source: Radio Times

Read also: Spider-Man: No Way Home Alfred Molina put incredible demand on the set. And the fans went crazy

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