Home Tech NFTs are ‘disappointing’, and have no positive effect on anyone – Nerd4.life

NFTs are ‘disappointing’, and have no positive effect on anyone – Nerd4.life

NFTs are ‘disappointing’, and have no positive effect on anyone – Nerd4.life

Platinum Games – The author of games like Bayonetta, Nier Automata, Vanquish, and more – had his say on NFTThey are frustrated and have no positive impact on any of the parties involved.

specially, Atsushi Inaba – CEO of PlatinumGames – He said, “I understand it’s a hot topic right now and it’s starting to pick up, but the way it’s done is to focus on corporate profitability, but there’s no positive impact for creators and users in any way. So it’s frustrating to see this happen.”

PlatinumGames logo
PlatinumGames logo

Annaba went on to say that NFT gaming fans approach the rhetoric from only one side, thinking only of make money. The CEO of PlatinumGames said he’d rather invest his time in making high-quality games than pursue profit.

also Hideki Kamiya, Vice President, He claimed that he has no interest in NFTs and believes that the current technology is of no use to players at the moment. It will only start to be considered when NFTs demonstrate their usefulness to the user.

Platinum Games also recently stated that the acquisition is possible as long as he keeps his freedom.


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