Kremes returns the theatre, dance, music and sciences supported by Sisfoot to Tuscany. A mobile bulletin board with 11 events: a virtuous partnership between art and the third sector. Lightness and repercussions on current issues
It is a heterogeneous bulletin board, ranging from From music to theater to science. Among others, it will host singer Simon Kristek, comedian Paulo Hendel, the Arezzo multiracial orchestra, the trio Anna Miachi, Chiara Rendino and Daniela Morozzi, and once again, “The Plant Man” Stefano Mancuso. Eleven free public events, from June to September, in the many Tuscany cities they host Sisfoot delegationsVolunteer Service Center which is the soul of the enterprise. He explains that in every show “thought and entertainment go hand in hand, there is always a feeling” Daniela Morozzi, a highly influential theater translator and face also known to television audiences for his role as Agent Vitoria Guerra in the novel Police Department. For you and Matthew MarsanTheater Association “Lo Stanzone delle Apparizioni” The artistic direction of the event was commissioned.
“Let’s take the scene again.” It will accompany the Tuscan summer until the first of September. It is seen as a real travel festival. The shows will have themes like Environment, defending rights, inclusion, health and seniors and will be included in the posters of local festivals, in cooperation with the local authorities that promote them. It will be held outdoors, at 9:30 pm. Except for the Follonica, Volterra and Florence stages, reservations are recommended for all shows ( The new season opened last Thursday in Agliano (Pistoia) by the all-female theatrical trio formed by Ana Miachi, Daniela Morozzi and Chiara Rendino, the protagonists of “The Girls of San Frediano”, a show inspired by the novel by Vasco Pratolini. Then it will be Duo Baldo’s turn with the show “CONdivertimentoCERTO”a fun and original style of classical music, Tuesday 5 July in Piazza dei Priori in Volterra (Pisa).
And again on Thursday, July 7, in the garden of Palazzo Fantoni Bononi in Fivizzano (Massa Carrara), actress Silvia Frasson shared “Life saves” It will remind us of the importance of organ donation, of choosing humanity and generosity. “The epidemic was a severe blow to many small associations – according to the statements of the president of Cesvot, Luigi Bakossi – that struggled to resume work. The relationship was affected, that is, The heart of volunteering. Hence the idea of bringing people back to the streets with performances related to social issues and solidarity to bring them closer to our world. A magic that has been achieved thanks to Daniela Morozzi who once again helps us find artists who have a remarkable sensitivity to these problems.”
Daniela Morozzi adds, “The idea of this festival is not only innovative, but also revolutionary in terms of the cultural panorama. Why Sisphot which represents a world Volunteering and Solidaritynot only participated in, but also helped economically and logistically the world of live entertainment The epidemic has brought him to his knees. Not pretending this was a sector to help him, he helped him at a time when even the volunteer world was overwhelmed, forced to undergo a profound transformation, with volunteers finding themselves working as nurses, providing care and assistance at home. of isolated people.
The importance of the review is first and foremost this “partnership between the world of live entertainment – continues Morozzi – and the importance of the voluntary sector to try to give answers to this complex and fragile time in which we lived. So far there is a war on Europe’s doorstep.” Cesvot supported artists economically and logistically Which in turn concludes, “As they did last year, they will take care to keep attention on the world of volunteerism that comprises half of this country, which has been able to transform itself, and to reinvent itself in a disastrous moment.” And what can art be used for? “Our job is to imagine and if you don’t imagine the future you won’t even create it.”
Jul 6 2022 (change on Jul 6 2022 | 23:49)
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