Imagine reliving one of your favorite Christmas movies, it's usually cheerful and happy, even with some intrigue kicking off the plot. What is certain is that if you are 6 years old, you will be experiencing the second part of “”Mom I missed the plane(“Mom I missed the plane: I got lost in New York”) It doesn’t have to be the pinnacle of happiness.
For years, memes have circulated on various social media about the times we got lost as kids in the supermarket, or waited for our mothers at the checkout: the sweat, the fear, the people wanting to get ahead. Then the comments: “That's right, it was just like that,” “We all had the same childhood,” “They were terrifying moments,” etc.
What happened
If that sounds scary, think about how you might feel Kaspera six-year-old boy who finds himself on the wrong flight due to a fatal mistake made by the airline Spirit Airlines. The child's experience cannot help but be reminded of the story of the movie “Home Alone” in 1992, in which Kevin played the role of Macaulay CulkinShe was accidentally separated from her parents and ended up on a plane headed to New York instead of Florida.
Casper, reportedly Interested in tradeHe was supposed to leave Philadelphia alone for Fort Myers, Florida, to join his grandmother. It was the little boy's first flying experience. His grandmother, who was waiting in Fort Myers, became concerned when she didn't see him arrive and asked Spirit Airlines for clarification. Officials, who were initially unable to provide details, later suggested the child may not have been able to get on the plane in time. However, the grandmother contradicted this explanation, as she tracked her grandson and saw confirmation of his arrival at the airport.
“The worst moments of my life”
“It was the worst moment of my life,” the grandmother told local media. Fortunately, a few hours later, she received a call from Casper, who told her that he had arrived in Orlando, at an airport. More than 200 kilometers away From where the poor grandmother was waiting for him.
Spirit Airlines apologized: “We take the safety and responsibility of transporting all of our guests very seriously and are conducting an internal investigation. We apologize to the family for this experience and offer them a refund for the trip.”
The child was eventually able to reach his destination and met his grandmother in time for the holiday Christmas. However, someone advised the family to take legal action, as the experience could have caused serious trauma to little Casper.
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