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Meetings with sponsors and authors

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Briviodue stationery store organizes seven appointments with authors and researchers on science-related topics

Jean Frassy, ​​Jean-Marc Christel, Fabiola Megna, Romain Bernitas

Science Doesn’t Give Up: A Course of Encounters with Popular Advocates and Authors.

“I strongly believe in meetings with authors and I think culture is made with that too. Now we wanted to upgrade to a scientific topic to bring science into contact with the population by taking a look at the original and different issue.”

Romaine BernitasBriviodue, bookseller and stationery owner, explains the birth of Science never gives upA series of appointments that research scientific topics organized at the initiative of Fabiola Meganacoordinator and moderator of the meetings, in collaboration with Cittadella dei Giovani and sponsor of the Astronomical Observatory of the Aosta Valley.

Why review on science

“Science is collective,” he asserts, “and we must also reclaim this vision through disclosure that fills in the gaps that misinformation can take in.” Fabiola Megana.

A review was created to dispel the notion that science is the work of a few experts, and is certainly a complex subject, with an important access key provided by proponents.

“Science really does not succumb to disinformation, failure, time, power, and the search for truth – it continues Megan -. We have planned a schedule of appointments open to all, hoping to engage schools as much as possible, with book authors and science communicators on social media in order to embrace different ages.”

“Science is often seen as difficult because those who talk about it have not completely metabolized the arguments.” Jean-Marc Kristel, Director of the Clément Fillietroz Foundation, which operates the Astronomical Observatory of the Aosta Valley.

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“Only an excellent researcher can be a good means of communication.”

Kristel He notes how the critical and self-critical position has been lost by the lay population that the scientific position “needs a re-accommodation in order to interpret reality and what one reads with one’s critical conscience”.

astrological hope Kristel Is that scientific concepts can take root and germinate in this region.

the program

Science never gives up Kicks off on Friday 7 October, at 6 p.m., at Cittadella dei Giovani which, as the director explains Jean Frassy“Welcomes with pleasure an initiative of a guiding nature for young students.”

with Fabio Nutibellacollaborator at the Saint Barthelemy Observatory, we will talk about astrobiology starting from his book Is there life in the solar system?

Saturday 15 October, at 8.30 p.m. We proceed to the Duchy of Aosta Auditorium for a meeting with Filippo Bonaventura, Lorenzo Colombo, Matteo Meluzio Facebook and Instagram page authors Who is afraid of the dark?The topic will be astronomy.

On Friday October 21 at 6 pm they will speak in the Duke’s Hall Tommaso Orosanivologist, e Annalisa Vianneyand veterinarian, Aosta Valley science correspondents, and authors of the Linguistic and Scientific Guide Thesaurus and cloudsThey will talk about climate change.

Saturday, October 22 at 6 pm in the Ducal Hall, the turn will come Paulo Calcides, Researcher and Head of Teaching at the Regional Astronomical Observatory who will talk about stellar life; Friday October 28 (6 pm in Cittadella dei Giovani) Time for Alan ZamboniPhysicist and YouTube channel author curious It deals with the scientific method by telling stories.

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Wednesday, November 9 (6 p.m. in Citadel) Space A Roberto MercadiniAuthor electronic engineer YoutubeThe actor deals with literary, artistic and scientific publishing.

The last scheduled appointment, for now, is Friday, November 11, at 6 p.m. in Cittadella dei Giovani, with Luca Romanophysicist, Facebook page editor atom advocatewill be in Usta to talk about nuclear energy and the environment.

Anticipate correspondent questions on the calendar with almost exclusively male guests, Fabiola Megana She explains that due to work commitments, it was not possible to welcome some of the female researchers but the review could be enriched with at least one more appointment with a woman.

All events will be streamed live on Facebook and on the YouTube channel of the Briviodue Library, which offers all guest author books for sale.

(Erica David)

Wynne Dinwiddie
Wynne Dinwiddie
"Infuriatingly humble alcohol fanatic. Unapologetic beer practitioner. Analyst."
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