Patented, duplicated, now trademarked. Extreme humor is an element of movies Marvel Cinematic Universe They can no longer do without him. Hated by some, loved by many, and finally explained by one of the most important directors in the entire cinematic world. This explains Kevin Feige’s obsession.
The Marvel Cinematic Universe’s mad rush to conquer the big and small screens in 2022 has just begun. The MCU series we will see in 2022. Meanwhile, we’re preparing for the debut, and May 6subordinate Many alternate universes for Doctor Strange 2which should also carry The first reunion between X Men and MCU After Disney acquired the Fox package. This means new heroes, new epic battles, but above all a great deal of Generously distribute laughter.
Of all the productions I’ve tried over the years to imply Comedy Ringtones Trailer films that do not necessarily belong to the genre, but rather to drama or action, it is Marvel Studios that has succeeded more than anyone else. For some, it’s a good thing, like Samuel L. Jackson who made it clear while loving DC Comics Because he much prefers MCU. For others, if not evil, A component to be used more carefullyin order not to risk pleasure at all costs when other feelings arise: this, for example, is one of the few complaints that viewers have Can be attached to Spider Man No Way Home.
but it was Joe Russothe historical director with his brother Anthony of the giants of the box office and the movie universe like Captain America: The Winter Solider, Captain America: Civil War, Avengers: Infinity War And Avengers: EndgameTo explain why Kevin Feige is obsessed: “The secret ingredient to Marvel is that Kevin loves movies to be fun, right? And Entertainment generally includes humour: I think Kevin is very good at auditioning movies and I think he loves watching audition shows and hearing the audience’s response. So he can get an idea: “Well, every two minutes they laugh.” This is amazing It’s a very important metric for him To evaluate how the film will go“.
Rousseau also explained that it was his own Previous Sitcom Training – Brothers from the community – for more influence Feige: “Kevin saw a mixture of appreciation for work, but also for humor. The community had a tone very similar to the Marvel movies in many ways: a little more sophisticated and humorous, but very similar in tone, and I think they saw and liked it.However, the fourth stage also counts Unprecedented turns of terroras I am New episodes of Moon Nightidentified by Feige the The most brutal product of all the MCU. Although Oscar Isaac expected even in this case Happy ending to moon nite. What do you think of this recurring element? Do you want less? Tell us in the comments!
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