Will a school mask be mandatory in September? At first, absolutely not, then the epidemiological picture will be evaluated step by step. The hope is that the topic of recommendation and individual responsibility in relation to compliance can be used. I’d be a little more careful in saying no mask.”
So Health Minister Roberto Speranza at RTL 102.5.
“There is no obligation – settle down – However, this does not mean the absence of a mask, this is true for the stadium, for an evening at the cinema or in the theater. To say there is no obligation is to always have the element of individual responsibility“.
These statements elicited critical reactions from both the world of science and the world of politics.
Thus, for example, the head of Liguria, Toti, considers it excessive ” Put your hands forward even before the bell rings“.”And the’ common sense – continue – That we will be watching the situation constantly, but if there is one thing we have learned is that the virus has changed, vaccines have given us an additional valuable and effective weapon, and the time of fear and limitations can and should give way to that coexistence and responsibility. We did it this summer, – Concludes – Managing another peak of the epidemic without applying any restrictions. “
Criticisms from the world of science, too. “It is important to say that we cannot continue to follow one lineCompared to the rest of the worldThinking that everyone else is wrong. As for face masks in schools, if every country in the world has removed them, why do we continue this controversy?”, Pacheta Matteo Bassetti, director of the Infectious Diseases Clinic at the San Martino Polyclinic in Genoa.
For the director isAn ideological debate that has absolutely nothing scientific“,”Why – pistons – If there was clear scientific backing, other European countries close to us would have continued to use it. In fact, the mask at school is absolutely useless because the moments when children can become infected are at the entrance and at school exit, and in moments more common than if they are sitting at a desk. Today we are facing a virus that is less harmful and does not cause any problems for children. In the event that there is a vaccine to cover itself, I don’t see why we still have to continue to stick to the mask.“.
“But how is it on August 27 – Concludes – Two weeks into school, to say such a thing? After all the summer, rightly, did none of the men wear it on the beach, at the disco, at the cinema, at an aperitif, at concerts and on a trip to the mountains?“.
The Orizzonte Scuola editorial team has prepared the FAQ on the basis of the regulatory documents published so far
Classes start 2022: no masks, vaccinations, return to class. DAD may be required. Our FAQ