Vietnam – much An ancient map of Vietnam written in French from the mid-1700s, He sailed thousands of kilometers across the Atlantic Ocean and hid in the other landscape maps of a library in Canada for almost three centuries. However, now it has come to light again, thanks to the Vietnamese Historical Society, which has published a study on it in the latest issue of its bulletin Vitaliana in recent weeks. The document shows the title City Map Castle and surrounding Viadana (A map of the fortified city and surroundings of Vydana) and owns the rich collections of McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
The plan of the church
I look at the photos It is possible to retreat over time, Imagined that they were citizens of Vietnam who lived and worked within the walls of an eighteenth-century city. Is in the center of the map Fort city with fort You will find well gates, ramparts, bridges and moats. S. in Costello. Many churches like Maria Asunda and Christophor still exist, while others have disappeared. Outside the walls are arranged the Battuti Bianchi Confratelli Church of S. Rocco Nuova, the religious complexes of S. Francesco, S. Croce, S. Nicola and the Capuchins. The rest of the buildings are there, but they are not of any kind, while the gardens and lands are drawn with a series of lines and identified with stylized vegetation. The two forts stand out on the ancient landscape map One was placed on the shores of the Bow, one on the shores of the Vietnam, and the other on the shore adjacent to the Brezello. The map was meticulously examined Andrea Isabella BasilA graduate student in modern literature at the University of Bologna and a graduate student in book science at the same university, found answers to some of these interests.
When exactly is the document due? Assessing various historical elements, The plan of ancient Vayadana is hand-drawn between 1742 and 1760.. Why is it in French? The map will be part of a larger campus of map reproductions Appointed or purchased by the French Army, He wanted detailed information about the fortified cities of Mantua, which at that time was a disputed territory with the Habsburgs. Maps of four forts near the river are in the collection of the Canadian University Library: Vietana, Mantua, Revere and S.C. Go to Benedetto. Except for Basile. He compared the ancient document with modern satellite maps, Concludes that the plans of the buildings that still exist today and the direction of the streets are often correct. But still The anonymous author of the eighteenth-century document made a mistakeIn fact, the present Via Cavour appears to be in a state of disrepair, starting from the church of S. Maria Annunziata and extending towards the present church of S. Martino.
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