Some job postings on LinkedIn have revealed potential details of Mafia 4has not yet been announced but is almost certainly under development at Hangar 13 Studios. The game may contain elements multiplayer And stealthily. Also from LinkedIn it was learned last March that the game is likely to be powered by Unreal Engine 5.
Mafia 3 dates back to the distant 2016, so it is likely that Mafia 4 will come out at least ten years later than its predecessor.
Like we said, Mafia 4 isn’t introduced yet, however Job advertisements He is frank about his existence: “Designing new models that fit the mafia’s vision. From creative designs to technical models of enemy behavior and capabilities.”
The ads state that the next mafia will have “participation episodes of Play Sneak and Fight”, which we hope will go beyond the somewhat repetitive ones in Chapter Three.
It is also expressly stated that Hangar 13 Looking for Developers with Experience Designing Multiplayer Games and/or Live Service. It’s certainly not a confirmation, but it’s a hint at what kind of game we can expect.
Of course, anything can happen in the time it will take for the development team to finish the game, about which nothing official is known yet (it’s fair to repeat). Who knows when we’ll see him.