Dear nuclear director «Made in Italy»? With a right-of-center government elected by Italians, and not the usual fact of anarchy and cross vetoes, it is finally possible to formulate a far-sighted unified industrial policy, but above all a decisive synergistic coordination between the large public companies that have so far wandered in order like the Leibnizian Monad. The European Union also claims a “zero emissions 2050” deadline for the energy transition. The virtuous synergy should include not only renewables, but also the devilish nuclear energy, the new generation, which has just returned to the EU classification along with gas. Meloni, as nerd as she is, is confident and her lack of opposition bodes well. On the other hand, all the G7 partners resort to nuclear energy, with the exception of Italy, which banned corn and entered “Nimbe” with the 1987 referendum as a result of the Chernobyl disaster and the 2011 referendum near the Fukushima tragedy. Area – not in my backyard. However, according to the latest surveys, the majority of Italians, after paying the bills, are now looking at new technologies with renewed interest. Eni believes itself in clean nuclear energy, in fact, since 2018 it has participated, with a stake of about 20 percent, in the Commonwealth Fusion System project, part of the famous MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center, an old idea by Professor Bruno Coppi, one of Notable Italian scientists. The nomination games have been ecumenically closed, the governmental majority has been effectively incorporated thanks to the state boyars, the third pole neutrino split experiment has been sensationally successful, but above all with Forza Italia and Lega who believe that the adoption of nuclear power is not seen as more taboo, A new season is opening now.

After making sure that renewable sources, although increased and at full capacity, are not sufficient for national needs, we can engage Excellencies, such as the physicist Stefano Bono, who lives in the field of nuclear energy, to show that clean and safe nuclear energy is possible, even in a short time, It is an opportunity for the sustainable development necessary for the planet. But now is the time to get busy. Not attending the informal meeting organized in Stockholm on the sidelines of the European Council of Ministers of Energy, Transport and Communications was definitely a missed opportunity. The European Nuclear Alliance currently includes Paris, Amsterdam, Warsaw, Budapest, Bucharest, Zagreb, Ljubljana, Prague, Bratislava, Sofia and Helsinki. And who knows if the Prime Minister this time will allow the competent minister to do his job, so to speak, Bechetto Frattin in charge of the environment and energy security, or if, once again, he will concentrate everything in Palazzo Chigi. Sojin Corporation, which has so far done the preparatory work to identify suitable areas for radioactive waste disposal, will definitely not be able to handle it. Specifically, Sogen who, in about twenty years of his life, has reached the third commissioner, a clear sign that the paradigm is not working and that it must be radically changed. Especially since France, via Edison, exploits the very few technicians left in Ansaldo to maintain its factories. While Hungary, despite the sanctions and the war in Ukraine, is counting on the Russians to modernize its nuclear park.

The CEO loves nuclear energy because he considers it a “Made in Italy” product of which he is proud, on a par with fashion and design: it was in fact discovered ninety years ago in the Via Panisperna in Rome by Italian scientists and until the 50’s 70 we were a pioneering country in the field of civilian nuclear energy. We cannot leave it in the hands of the French, who are totally at variance with Germany on this matter. And Georgia must play this card precisely in the diplomatic and industrial key, even with its American allies. On the waste front, American companies have built Italian factories, know the details and have the engineering keys, as well as being the only companies that have actually managed the “decommissioning” – the dismantling of obsolete nuclear plants. At the same time, the United States could quickly return Italy to nuclear power by developing new projects, for example in the field of small reactors. It is also necessary to close the European breach procedure and cut government-supported expenditures in favor of France and England for the storage of Italian radioactive waste that the nation does not know where to put. Meloni even talked about it with his friend Macron who found him at the recent bilateral meeting in Brussels, placing Italy among the countries that consider nuclear energy functional for the energy transition. And she sent more signals this week with the appointment of Flavio Cattaneo and Paolo Scaroni, the new CEO and President of Enel respectively: both have already shown an openness to nuclear technologies for some time and will have a say in the matter. The prodigy Cingulani himself, Leonardo’s new CEO, never fails to stress that in order to decarbonise, the doors to nuclear power must be opened. Meloni ran so far, now let’s see if he wants to become an atomic.

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