With just under 9 million compared to the planned 13.2 – there was an auction reduction of 25% and these days it is big news for the municipality due to the prices they run – the tender “Redevelopment of the pedestrian cycle in Lungomare di Napoli, stretching between Piazza Vittoria and Molossiglio». is that it is a redesign of the waterfront.From its reactivation in connection with the presence of restaurants and the many chalets insisting on that stretch of the Naples coast, the reorganization of spaces which, once the work is done, should provide a more attractive and usable promenade for the Neapolitans and for the hundreds of thousands of tourists who They flock there every day 365 times a year. Without distorting the typical characteristics of a place emblematic of Neapolitan. It has been talked about for years, with loans coming in and going from the coffers of Palazzo San Giacomo of management, but above all political issues, now seems to be a really good time except for the appeal. A word from the Commissioner for Infrastructure Eduardo Cosenza Which explains: «Currently there are no appeals – he says – but only a request to access the documents. And the request does not mean that there will be appeals, it is a normal procedure.”
The “Cogepa Costruzioni Generali Passarelli SpAA very large company that has already worked in Naples across the Marina. He will have to deal with the repaving of Etna and the Apulian lava stone, about preserving places that respect the past. Then the expansion of sidewalks on the side of restaurants and hotels, and new architecturally similar ‘and elegant’ doors on which the trade consultant works and tourism. Armed Teresa With a group of experts led by an architecture teacher Mario Rosario Lusaso. So, urban furniture, two lanes for vehicular traffic, a new bicycle path and lighting, advanced systems for monitoring human and non-human flows. A word to Cosenza for the Times: “Fourteen months of work, I think they’ll start by 2023 and I’ll follow them personally I can guarantee. They will be operating in three blocks, and as we go forward we will liberate parts of the road.”
Cosenza explains the reason for all the interest. “It would be like putting this everywhere I want to point it out. Here, however, there are many jobs at stake on the waterfront. Expanding the sidewalk means coordinating with the workers there: restaurants, bars, pizzerias, hotels, there are hundreds of tables and thousands of jobs to protect. We need maximum efficiency and make sure that the roads do not close because I repeat, these are many functions in which we will affect “what are the three blocks, as Cosenza himself explains:” those in front of restaurants and hotels and where there are no obstacles. The schedule must be accurate and efficient. Three areas have different needs and should be treated as if they were three different jobs. It also applies within the same block. We have already identified two numbers in the work process managers, who are highly experienced professionals in this specific topic. We must make sure no one gets hurt, this is the most sensitive part to manage and that I will personally follow.
It should be standardized, functional, and paid for by restaurateurs. There are already guidelines developed in this regard. This means, “The harmonization of spaces and furnishings with a homogeneous and common model between interested bodies and commercial operators, with respect to the characteristics of individual premises.” A business that “has the dual objective of maintaining a satisfactory number of tables and chairs while maintaining the conditions of safety, ease of use, comfort and the historic environmental quality of the public spaces.”
“Infuriatingly humble alcohol fanatic. Unapologetic beer practitioner. Analyst.”