A liquid leak, possibly a coolant, has been detected from a Soyuz capsule docked at the International Space Station. The discovery was made at 1:45 a.m. tonight shortly before Russian cosmonauts Sergey Prokopyev and Dmitry Petlin began a planned extravehicular activity. The causes and severity of the problem are not yet known. There is no danger to the crew, said Rob Navias, a NASA spokesperson via NasaTv, and in the next few hours they will try to resolve the problems with the Soyuz MS-22, which is the lifeboat and return to Earth for 3 of the 7 current crew members.
The Soyuz MS-22 spacecraft had an apparent coolant leak for more than three hours. International Space Station managers discuss the situation.
The astronauts preparing for tonight’s spacewalk have returned safely to the space station. https://urlsand.esvalabs.com/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ft.co%2F2lnIsF9yec&e=e7b68d7b&h=94168f47&f=n&p=y pic.twitter.com/Sbc6k8iiA2
– SpaceflightNow (SpaceflightNow) December 15, 2022
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