Home entertainment Lino Banfi the terrible disease that changed his life. heartbreaking story

Lino Banfi the terrible disease that changed his life. heartbreaking story

Lino Banfi the terrible disease that changed his life.  heartbreaking story

Lino Banfi talks about a terrible illness that entered his home and infected one of the most important people to him. This led him to live his existence differently. Here is an open story.

Lino Banfi

Lino Banfi became famous to the general public especially the younger generations because he played the role of Nonno Libero in the popular TV series family doctor which debuted in the late 1990s giving the comedian a new season to his career.

But Lino Banfi, for whom he has always known, has also starred in several comedies such as Coach at the Ball, where he plays one of the most famous characters of his career, Auronzo Cana.

Lino Banfi was born in Andrea in Puglia in July 1936. His film debut was made in a film directed by the director Lucio Fulci by address: howling in the bar. The two returned to collaborate again in 1964 with the title On the run from Sing Sing. In the same year, he also made his small screen debut, participating in the filming of two TV series titled in a row Studio Uno Library And the Jian Burasca newspaper.

His archetypal comedy, recognizable by all, became his trademark in many films that were much loved by the Italian comedy audience and beyond. It was a lot of directors who wanted Lino Banfi Among the many films that made the whole country laugh.

there career path career path From linen Banfi has never stopped over the years And the actor Apulian has always spent a lot on his work on every project he took part in. Despite reaching a certain age, the patriotic grandfather of “Doctor in the Family” is still very active in his work. For example, it was one of the last films he was in Surprising Journey with Ron Moss, Beautiful Ridge.

Lino Banfi, Animator recognition

In recent years, Leno’s life has been marked by illness, in the past it happened to his daughter Rosanna who had to fight cancer and now, unfortunately, his wife Lucia has fallen ill. Alzheimer’s disease. It is not easy for the actor to live with a drama of this kind, even if he talks about his wife, his words move everyone.

Lino Banfi has shown great sensitivity that emerges from his recent statements in some interviews: “I asked the Holy Father exactly what you asked me to ask. I told him of your desire, to leave together, and at the same time, hold hands as we have always done in our lives ”.

The actor himself had already spoken about the serious illness of Leno Banffy’s wife some time ago in some public statements, one of which is on Domenica In: “These days you ask me questions: Why don’t we find a way to die together? Because if I die first, I can’t do that. We have an example of several couples, including Sandra Mondini and Raimondo Vianello, who did not stay apart from each other…”.

This is a testimony of great love between the twoLove that resists despite many difficulties.


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