culture – Our rendezvous with the cinema returns from July 8 – Announcing the commissioner Antonio: “A cinema commission will be born, necessary to blow up Tussia outside the Foul Valley” – Here is the full program
by Barbara Bianchi
Viterbo – Lillo, Flavio Insinna, Pif and Giorgio Tirabassi are among the guests of the Tuscia Film Fest. The film festival, now in its 19th edition this year, will take place July 8-16 in Piazza San Lorenzo, the city’s medieval heart.
Viterbo – Presentation of Tuscia Film Fest 2022
“After three years of hiatus due to the pandemic, we are finally back. Full of hope and desire to do. Let’s take back cinema is our motto, and that’s what we intend to do” explains Mauro Morucci.Festival organizing manager. At his side, at the presentation of the event, the newly appointed Commissioner for Culture Alfonso Antoniozzi, Giulio Pizzi, Director General of Banca Lazio Nord, Director Marco Santoni, Advocate Fabio Ludovesi, Director of the Carivit Foundation, Andrea Di Simon, Director Confartigianato of Viterbo, Andrea Belli, President of Ance Viterbo and Domenico Arruzzolo, President of Viterbo con Amore.
Let’s go Friday July 8When the first long-awaited guest arrives in town, liloby the famous duo Lilo and Greg for introducing “women’s idols” from him. directed and explained. Saturday 9 In “Ennio”, the documentary dedicated to the life and career of Ennio Morricone, already awarded David di Donatello by director Giuseppe Tornatore. Sunday 10 July Then it’s the turn of “Let’s Kiss. Franco Grillini – The Story of a Nice Revolution”. Franco Grillini himself and director Filippo Vendemiatti will be present on stage.
From left: Alfonso Antoniou and Mauro Morocchi
“Tuscia Film – confirms Commissioner Antonio, in its first public release – is an exceptional film festival in a city where there is no cinema. It is absurd and gives an idea of the amount of work to be done from now on. That is why we will undertake to establish a commission Films, to ensure that Viterbo as a group continues to be chosen by production companies and recognizable by everyone on the big and small screen. One of the essential steps for our tourism growth is to make Tussia explode out of the Foul Valley.”
The second week of the exhibition will open Monday 11 July With the award of “Tuscia land of Cinema” to Alessio Rigo de Reggi and Matteo Zubins. Young and new directors will take the stage with actor Gabriele Silli to present “Re Granchio”. The film was shot between Vejano and Tierra del Fuego. Tuesday 12th July It will be a turn Domenico Procacci. The producer and founder of Fandango, as director, will present the documentary “Team” that tells the story of a group of tennis players, including Adriano Panatta, who won the 1970s for our country the first and only Davis Cup won by Italy. Wednesday 13 He will return to Viterbo and to the Tossia Film Festival, five years later, Buff. With him, along with screenwriter Michele Astori, the audience will be able to enjoy the film “And we assholes watched …”.
“Seeing the city come back to life after Covid and the restrictions is magical. Doing so through cinema and culture is more than that. Because in addition to the wonderful projections, the strength of Tff is to create a unique atmosphere in Viterbo “explains de Simon, Director of Confartigianato of Viterbo , which was joined by President Ance, Belli.
From left: Fabio Ludovisi, Andrea Di Simon, Andrea Pelli
appointment afterwards July 14 With “Nostalgia” by Mario Marton, starring Pier Francesco Favino. While the next day, the July 15The role of Freaks Out will be directed by Gabriele Mainetti. The film, located between Piazza San Lorenzo di Viterbo and Faggeta di Soriano nel Cimino, will be presented by two main characters, Giorgio Terrapasi and Giancarlo Martini And by designer Massimiliano Storial. And for him, already the winner of the David di Donatello 2022 award, the “I professeri del Cinema” award will be given.
To conclude the review, the evening of Saturday 16th July. The guest of honor will be Flavio Encina Who will receive the award “Pipolo Tuscia Cinema 2022” and will present to the public his latest novel “The Pope’s Cat”. The meeting then ends in memory of Gigi Prueti, who passed away in November 2020, with the screening of his latest film “I am Santa Claus”.
“We are starting again – explains lawyer Ludovisi – and we must pay more and more for Viterbo and for cinema, so that Tuscia becomes a tourist destination and at the heart of the project of promotion and internationalization.” Starting with the earth and its wonders. “The Tossia Film Festival has filled the arenas for years – continues Bizzi, general manager of Bank Lazio Nord – and we, as a local bank, can only be on his side. Because we want to invest and support the territory.”
Viterbo – Presentation of Tuscia Film Fest 2022
After the evenings of shows and meetings, the Viterbo cinema summer will continue. The appointment is from July 23 to August 13 at the Palazzo Doria Pamphilj in San Martino nel Cimino with “Enocinema”. “San Martino will be the place for meetings to talk about movies and books, accompanied by wine tastings from the local cellars for four Saturdays,” Morucci explains. Guests will be Riccardo Rossi, Marco Bonini, Elisabetta Villaggio and Grazia de Michele.
Among the summer events there is also a space for the memory of Pier Paolo Pasolini, marking the centenary of his birth. PPP100. Pasolini and … poetry, film, television and journalism, a photographic exhibition – to open at the Musée dei Portici on Saturday 2 July at 6 pm – and a series of meetings to be held in both Viterbo and Berlin.
“Besides reviewing the Tff – concluded Morucci – we have again this year implemented various initiatives. This includes the Children’s Market, which will be held on the bridge to Piazza San Lorenzo and the proceeds of which will be donated to Emporio Solidale ICare.”
Tuscia Film Fest presale is available online on the event’s website or at the Colle del Duomo and Portici museums.
Barbara Bianchi
July 1, 2022
“Lifelong beer expert. General travel enthusiast. Social media buff. Zombie maven. Communicator.”