Home science Life Sciences, Statutes of the Biotecnopolo Foundation of Siena in the Official Gazette

Life Sciences, Statutes of the Biotecnopolo Foundation of Siena in the Official Gazette

Life Sciences, Statutes of the Biotecnopolo Foundation of Siena in the Official Gazette

A new piece has been added to the departure of the Biotecnopolo Foundation with its legal and operational headquarters in Siena. The statutes of the new center for the promotion and development of applied research and innovation in the field of biotechnology, life sciences and epidemic control have been published in the Official Gazette. Biotecnopolo will carry out the functions of promoting and coordinating study, technical and scientific research and development, technology transfer activities and innovative processes for the purpose of epidemic control through the National Center for Epidemic Control – CNAP. It will use loans of nine million euros in 2022, 12 million euros in 2023, and 16 million euros starting in 2024. Moreover, CNAP that will be part of the Biotecnopolo Foundation will receive funding of 340 million euros through 2026, according to Provisions for the Supplementary Procedures of the NRP Program.

founding members

The contract provides for the participation of the Tuscany Life Sciences Foundation as a “new founder” by requiring a traditional instrument, within sixty days of the adoption of the articles of association. Among the founding members there is also the Ministry of University and Research, Health, Economy and Finance and Economic Development. “It is a great honor for us – President Fabrizio Landi commented – that the four founding member ministries and the Presidency of the Council of Ministers have identified in Siena and in the field of life sciences, represented in particular by Tls the ideal location and valuable partner for such a project of national strategic value. An important recognition that goes to the system the entire regional environment for the life sciences, and for the work done to date and the continued commitment of all public and private actors.”

Life sciences development opportunity

The role of Tls will be to act as a system facilitator for the development and promotion of scientific research through public-private dialogue in a sector, the life sciences sector, of high strategic value for the entire country. “This is an indisputable opportunity that will allow the Tls Foundation – added General Manager Andrea Paolini – to make its contribution thanks to the strengthening of skills and physical and technological infrastructure. A role, a role we recognize, which will be able to favor the operation of the project from the earliest times. We are confident of It could represent an important opportunity for growth and affirmation of the entire ecosystem at both the national and international levels.”


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