Home Top News Italy-Canada agreement on youth mobility ratified

Italy-Canada agreement on youth mobility ratified

Italy-Canada agreement on youth mobility ratified

Friday 5 August 2022 – 13:35

La Marca: Italy-Canada agreement on youth mobility approved

“Agreement creates opportunities for professional training”

La Marca: Italy-Canada agreement on youth mobility approved

Rome, 5 Aug. (askanews) – The ratification process of the youth mobility agreement signed by Italy and Canada between December 2020 and February 2021 has been completed.

“As an elected deputy in Canada and rapporteur of the arrangement in the Chamber – commented deputy PD Francesca La Marca – I can only be happy with this long-awaited decision. In recent years, in the framework of bilateral relations between the two countries, improving the opportunities for exchange and experience between the citizens of the two countries, I have never stopped approving this important agreement aimed at creating opportunities for professional training for young people entering the world of work”.

The agreement modifying the 2006 memorandum extends the work permit for the Italian area by 12 months and introduces two new categories of participants: young professionals, dedicated to those who already have a postgraduate school. Professional experience in the host country, and International Co-op, aimed at students who intend to undertake curricular training in subjects related to their study path in an institution to complete post-secondary studies. Host country.

“This agreement – which underlines La Marca’s selection in the North and Central America section of the Overseas District – will allow young Italians to take advantage of all the opportunities offered by the International Experience Canada program. Furthermore, I believe the agreement is a solid tool available to young Italian-Canadians who can take advantage of it to learn about Italy through work and study experiences.

“Now – the deputy of the Democratic Party decided – it will be a question of ensuring that an adequate number is guaranteed in the subsequent definition of the number of young people admitted to the programs, taking into account the historically different relations between Canada and Italy”.



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