Bank stocks fell in the red after the recovery recorded in the previous session: Mediobanca fell. Sales also on Stellantis. Ferrari strong rise
The main indices of the Italian Stock Exchange and the record of the main European financial centers Discounts within 2.5%After the recovery achieved in the previous session and the Federal Reserve’s decision to raise interest rates by 75 basis points.
15.15 onwards FTSEMib And it recorded a decrease of 2.51% to 21,909 points, after recording 21,729 points. At the same time FTSE Italia all participated It fell by 2.43%. Also minus sign for FTSE Italia medium hat (-1.97%) and for The star of FTSE Italia (-2.13%).
The BTP-Bund spread It shrank to 210 points, after the yield on Italian 10-year bonds returned to more than 3.9%.
The Bitcoin Confirmed to be less than $21,500 (less than €20,500).
L ‘euro It rose to $1045.
Securities from the banking sector in redafter the bounce recorded in the previous session.
negative performance of MediobancaWhich loses 4.45% to 8.538 euros.
Without guidance, the oil sector stocks are highlightedAfter the price of crude oil in New York (the contract expires in July 2022) returned to 114.5 dollars per barrel.
Saipem Earns 6.25% to €38.635after the strong fluctuations recorded in the past few sessions.
backwards, where are you And the Tenaris They lose 4.03% and 4.62%, respectively.
Stilants Yields 4.26% to €12,284. ACEA (the European Union of Automobile Manufacturers) announced that 791,546 cars were registered in the EU in May 2022, down 11.2% compared to more than 891,000 cars in the same period in 2021. Sales of Stellantis also fell sharply in May 2022: last month it recorded Vehicle group born from the merger between FCA and PSA decreased registrations by 14.6% with 170,408 vehicles sold; As a result, Stellantis’ market share in Europe reached 21.5%.
Ferrari Turns up and earns 1.82% to €171.05after viewing Operational and Financial Objectives 2022/2026. Referring to the shareholder bonus policy, Ferrari has decided to continue to propose an increase in dividends for the coming years to 35% of adjusted net profit. In addition, Cavallino Rampante will initiate a €2 billion share buyback program to be implemented between now and the end of the plan period, in line with progress in generating free cash.
Strongly Petco (+22.2% to €11.05). Limbo Corporation announced that it has made the decision to launch a voluntary takeover offer of all common stock of the listed company. In particular, the offeror will pay an amount equal to €11.25 for each share of Piteco stock brought in upon acceptance of the offer. Based on the official price of Piteco shares at the end of June 15, 2022 (€9.04), the consideration includes, respectively, a premium of 23.2%.
Among the companies with smaller capitalization, Jump gas plus (+ 17.7% to 3.66 euros). The Black Sea Oil and Gas Company, together with its joint venture partners Petro Ventures Resources and Gas Plus Dacia, announced the start of production for the Midia Gas Development Project and the successful delivery of the first gas to the national transportation system.
Enertronica Santerno suspended from trading.
At Euronext Growth Milan focuses on Independent Italy Group. The title is still Suspended for overtakingHaving recorded a theoretical decrease of 29.4%, following the release of the results of the 2021 budget, which closed at a loss of 24.1 million euros. Moreover, the Board of Directors has verified the possibility of obtaining from the shareholders a willingness to intervene in the increase of the paid-in capital with the aim of pursuing the restructuring process.
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