Bad day for banking stocks. The EXOR coupon stands out. Telecom Italia TIM is also in red. Wall Street remained closed for the holidays.
The main indices of the Italian Stock Exchange and the main European financial markets started the week Discounts within 1-2%, in the wake of uncertainty about the geopolitical situation in Ukraine. Wall Street remained closed for the holidays. According to Geir Ludd – head of global equities for Federated Hermes’ international division – the volatility recorded in the first weeks of 2022 is still primarily driven by two main themes: Inflation and Russia. “Of course, these two issues have weighed heavily on market performance: To be clear, only the FTSE100 – an index backed by a relatively overweight energy sector – has managed to post a positive monthly return recently,” he said. expert.
It’s 16.50 FTSEMib It lost 1.52% to 26,105 points after fluctuating between a minimum of 25,848 points and a maximum of 26,703 points. At the same time FTSE Italia all participated It is down 1.54%. Also negative performance of FTSE Italia medium hat (-1.81%) and for The star of FTSE Italia (-1.29%).
The Bitcoin He returned to 38,500 dollars (more than 34,000 euros), after reaching a low of 37,301 dollars.
The BTP-Bund spread Nearly 170 points.
L ‘euro Confirmed under $1,135.
bad day for me Securities for the banking sector.
It’s no exception BancoBPM. Institution address lose 2.04% to 3,511 euros. In light of the changes introduced with the new decree-law, the institute has resumed full operation in premium, environmental and other tax bonuses accrued in the construction sector. BancoBPM has confirmed a target of €3.5 billion in total volumes expected by the end of 2023 thanks to operations under Superbonus and Ecobonus.
Banka General It decreased by 1.8% to 35.4 euros. The company issued a dividend of 0.6 euros per share.
Definitely negative trend for EXOR (-4.46% for 69 euros). The Agnelli family holding company has reached an agreement with the Revenue Agency regarding the merger between EXOR and the Dutch subsidiary EXOR Holding. In particular, EXOR will pay €746 million, of which €104 million relate to interest. The accounting implications of the agreement will be reflected in the 2021 financial statements.
also in sharp decline CNH Industrial (-3.35%) H Stilants (-1.96%).
Telecom Italia TIM Records a decrease of 2.36% to 0.3967 euros. Referring to press rumors about the business plan, the phone company specified that the plan is being defined and will be discussed within the board of directors and that relevant quantitative goals have not been discussed nor taken. decisions in this regard.
“Infuriatingly humble alcohol fanatic. Unapologetic beer practitioner. Analyst.”